Friday, June 19, 2020

Palmer 6: Round 20

Last round, the Palmer family was gearing up to host Harvestfest while adjusting to life with their new dog, Arctic who spent a good chunk of the week "running away"...for about 5 minutes at a time. Meanwhile, all 3 kids grew to teenagers and entered high school.

Hi, guys!

Moat: Oh, hey Mysterious Voice.

Anything exciting going on around here?

Ocean: Eh, not really...

Well, apparently the hamster joined the mob...that's something.

...And like clockwork...

Bye, Arctic...See you in five minutes...

I see what you did there....and now the song's in my head. Great...

Glad to see you're taking this better than last time.

Harbor: Huh?

Arctic running away...

Harbor: Well, it's not like he hasn't done it before. He always comes home eventually.

Speaking of...looks like Arctic's home...from the mud pit, apparently.

What?, I mean...Hammy died already?

Ok, now that's just depressing...

Ocean: No, you don't know what you're talking about...

Um...who are you talking to?

Ocean: Oh, sorry. I'm just practicing my acting...

Well, I've seen worse ways of dealing with grief. I'm surprised you're still in scouts and not drama club.

Ocean: Yeah, well, you know. I already have a bunch of badges. It'd be kind of silly to stop now.

Nice going, Jessie...

Jessie: Did you two finish your applications yet?

Harbor: It's almost done, Mom. Besides, I've got time.

I have to admit, it's been kind of refreshing visiting some teenagers and not obsessively waiting for acceptance letters.

Nice job, Planet...

And just in time for a well-deserved day off.

And I see we opted for the public pool.

You brought Arctic?

Ocean: Yeah, why not?

Well, at least you might be able to sneak in a bath with all this water.

See, you've even got a warm tub...also, we're definitely adding Alderaan to the "fashion intervention" list...

Um...can we maybe discuss the amount of fireworks?

Planet: Do you think it's enough?

...Was your last aspiration task to blow up the pool?

Planet: No, I finally published a bestselling novel.

Well, congratulations anyway.

Ocean: Here you go, little guy...

Oh, good. I get to meet the new hamster before I go. What's his hame?

Creative. Alright, well, on that note I think it's just about time for me to be moving on. I'll see all of you guys next round!

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: Not a whole lot going on around here. I'm actually really glad I got these guys a rodent cage. I know there are...mixed opinions on My First Pet Stuff, but honestly, the stuff with the actual small pets isn't that bad. The little pop-ups are kind of funny. And speaking of pets, once again Arctic spent most of the week "running away". It would be funny if it didn't make everyone too sad to do anything. Ok, just one more house and then it's University time!

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