Friday, July 31, 2015

Howard 1: Round 7

Last round, cousins Joy and Confusion Howard reached young adulthood. Confusion bided his time waiting for his high school sweetheart Sabrina to join him, while Joy quickly entered a relationship with Cason who moved in shortly after aging up himself. Meanwhile, Justin continued to advance in the business career despite his age, and Maura and Marlene continued their art and writing, respectively.

Hi,'s it going?

Joy: Oh, fine...just getting some writing done.

How are things with Cason?

Ah...I see...

Marlene: (sigh) Cason, honey, I was already making breakfast...

Cason: Oh, no need Mrs. bagels are going to be amazing...

Well, maybe it's not such a bad idea to stock up on food...

Joy: Guess what? I'm going to have a baby!

Cason: That's amazing...this calls for a celebration! I'm making almond macaroons...

Joy: Um...Cason? It's 5 in the morning...

Hmm...let's try the investor side...

Congrats, Justin...

Justin: Thanks...

Somehow that's less climatic after Justin's promotion...

Maura: Hey, so I thought we'd do the party after dinner...

Justin: Party? For what?

Maura: Um...for my birthday?

Marlene: It's your birthday?

It sure is...and I guess Maura's sort of the odd one out around here now since Patrick died.

Cason: I don't think your mom or aunt and uncle like me very much.

Joy: I know...I don't know why.

It might have something to do with the fact that you're about to have a baby and you're not married yet...or the stacks of dirty bakeware...

Joy: You know what might make them like you? If you baked a cake for my mom's birthday.

Cason: Ok...but cakes are kind of below my abilities...are you sure your mom wouldn't like a nice pie or cobbler?

Joy: I don't think we can put birthday candles in those, Cason...

Well, Justin and Marlene may not care, but I do. Happy birthday, dear Maura...

Maura: Ow, my back....

Welcome to elderhood, Maura...

Looks like it's baby time. Let's head to the hospital...

Cason: Ok, everybody stand back...expectant mother coming through...

Joy: That's really not necessary, honey...

Joy: Are you sure this thing is safe?

Well, to be perfectly honest, no...but I've seen it work fine at least 10 times now, so I guess it's safe enough.

Interesting name choice...

Joy: I'm so happy she's here and she's healthy...

Joy: Like your new room, Disgust?

Cake for breakfast?

Justin: Well, all we have to eat around here are baked goods...speaking of that the baby's here, don't you think it's about time you two actually tied the knot?

Joy: Well, we might get around to it...but when? Our work schedules are completely opposite of one another. Maybe once Cason gets promoted high enough that he works during the day...

You know, you can get married without the party.

Joy: What's the point of that?

You know, we  haven't done Patron of the Arts before...let's try that.

Congratulations, Maura...

Joy: We're so close to being able to buy that retail lot!

Maura: Joy, honey, do you really think we're going to be able to get it up and running? I'm not going to be around much longer...

Joy: Oh, Mom...don't talk like that. We have plenty of time.

At least Joy's making progress in her own career in the meantime.

Joy: Yeah, but I've been thinking about making a change...

Let's get through Disgust's birthday first, shall we?

Happy birthday dear Disgust...

And she looks remarkably like her father.

Man, there's a lot of little loners in this town...

Let's stick with Author.

Congratulations, Marlene.

Marlene: Thanks. With Confusion moved out I have so much more free time to write.

Disgust: Look! I'm doing it!

Joy: You sure are! Keep kicking!

Joy: Ok, honey...just stand still for a minute...

And so the cycle continues...

Oh, hi Confusion. 

Confusion: I just thought I'd stop by and check on everything.

Justin: Oh, we're doing you want to take some desserts?

Confusion: I think we're ok...Sabrina's a pretty good baker herself. Do I smell apple pie?

Justin: Apple...and strawberry...and oatmeal cookies. And that's just this morning. Please, please take some desserts...

Well, as much as I'd like to sample the dessert menu I have to be on my way to the next house. I'll see you guys next round!

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: This lot is always kind of a mixed bag. Joy and Confusion's not being married actually is just a scheduling conflict-writers work during the day, low-level cooks work at night, and none of their days off aligned. And yes, I do know that technically baking and cooking in TS4 are different skills. Trust me, Cason spends enough time working at both. But the baking skill actually is kind of cool-I just discovered on this lot that he can actually decorate the cookies he bakes! I also discovered the "coach swimming" interaction with Disgust-so cute. And I would like to thank the movie Inside Out for adding "Disgust" to the pool of girls' names for this house.

Bernard 1: Round 7

Last round, Darlene and Trinidad introduced us to their new twins, Aruba and Jamaica. Darlene continued to advance at the science facility, while Trinidad opted to stay home and hone his woodworking skills. Meanwhile, Matthew struggled to keep up with his fitness skills after becoming an elder.

Hi, guys!

Everyone: Hi mysterious voice.

So what is everyone up to on this beautiful Sunday morning?

Aruba: I'm going to a friend's house...

I see...mind if I tag along too?

Aruba: Ok...

Azalea: Why didn't Jamaica come?

Aruba: She's sick...she may even have to stay home from school tomorrow.

I guess so...

At least she's got a stay at home Dad who can take care of her.

Jamaica: Dad, when I get big, I think I want to learn to play the guitar too.

The guitar?

Trinidad: I installed a cable upgrade on the TV this morning. We've been watching the music channel all day.

Trinidad: Darlene, what are you doing out here?

Darlene: I just can't stop thinking about these graves back here...

Trinidad: Honey...they're my grandparents. You never even knew them.

Darlene: I know, but...

Trinidad: Come on...I have an idea to cheer you up...

Whoa! Ok...apparently these two need some alone time...

Huh...I thought you two would have been done with the twins.

Darlene: Well, we were thinking that too...

At least you've got some more money coming in now.

Well, looks like Jamaica's well on her way to learning that guitar...

Aruba: Dad? Can you make me a science table on your workbench?

Trinidad: can only make things that are wood. A science table is metal and glass. But I promise, we'll get you one soon, ok?

Aruba: Ok...where are you going, anyway?

Trinidad: I'm going to the park for a little while...I'll be home in time for dinner.

You're learning to play the guitar? Why?

Trinidad: I've got something in mind for the twins' birthday...but it's going to take awhile, and I don't want them to see me practicing.

...Are you two watching a fireplace?

Erin: Yes! This new cable package is great!

Matthew: Yup...nothing like a roaring fire...

Speaking of...quick, Trinidad...get in the shower!

Trinidad: I think I need another shower...

Just be thankful you survived!

Especially because it's baby time!

Trinidad: Should we have called ahead? I feel like we should have...

 Trinidad, this hospital is nothing but a maternity ward and outpatient clinic. I think you guys will be ok.

Wait...why aren't you going in?

Alyssa: They're not quite ready for me yet...I have to sit in the waiting area.

Huh...first time I've seen that happen.

Doctor: Ok, Darlene...just relax and it will all be over in a second...

Another girl!

...And a boy! Surprise!

Trinidad: Come on, buddy...let's get you and your sister home...

Have the older twins met them yet?

Darlene: No...they should be getting home any minute...

Aruba: Huh? The babies are taking our room?

Darlene: Well, yes...your room is the closest to ours and we need to be close to the babies. But if you go down to the basement, we have a surprise for you and Jamaica...

Aruba: Wow! A science table! But wait...why is there only one bed in here?...You mean we get our own rooms?!

Jamaica: This is so cool! And since we're down in the basement we can make all the noise we want and it won't wake the babies up!

Glad you both like them...

And it looks like that science table was all Aruba needed...

Glad to see you back at the woodworking this the special project you've been working at?

Trinidad: Yup! I figure if I was going to learn to make something, I should probably learn how it worked...

Jamaica: Wow! Dad made that?

He sure did.

Jamaica: I think I'm still too little to even pick it up!

For now, probably. But you two won't be kids forever...

Just like the twins won't be babies forever. Ok, let's do this...

Again with the hats... art lover/scientist...interesting.

These two make more sense.

Ok, well, while you guys clear out the bassinets I'm going to head on to the next house. I'll see you guys next round!

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: A lot of firsts on this lot. I actually didn't realize that in order to have a Sim craft an instrument, they not only need a high enough handiness skill but also a high enough skill in the instrument they want to create, hence why Trinidad spent most of the week learning to play the guitar. This lot was also the first time I saw a Sim go to the hospital to deliver a baby and sit in the waiting room first. Seriously, the action in her queue was called "Waiting in Line", and she kept sitting back down if I told her to get up. I had no idea they would do that.