Sunday, December 19, 2021

Kauker 2: Round 21

Last round, the Kauker family was preparing for their daughters, Gemini and Libra, to graduate high school. Both girls found themselves entering romantic relationships with one half of the Palmer twins, with Mark and Gemini becoming an item and Libra going with Harrison. But the end of the week, both girls had graduated and were off to college. 

Hi, guys! Welcome back!

Libra: Oh, hey Mysterious Voice.

I see you're checking out your new bedroom...everything good so far?

Harrison: Oh, yeah..

Libra: But you know...I think the bed could use a little more breaking in...

Ok, ok, I get it. Give me a chance to get out of the room at least...

Glad to see you're thinking about careers too. Politics, huh...well, I guess someone has to take over now that Misty's gone...

And I guess a work from home career is a good choice too...

No surprises with Harrison becoming an author...

Libra: What are you doing, Mom?

Leanna: (sigh) Making the shopping list for Winterfest. I swear, this family gets bigger and bigger every year...

Libra: Oh...well, speaking of may want to add one more...


Libra: Uh-huh!

Leanna: I'm going to be a grandma?

Libra: You are!

Man, a new grandchild and Winterfest. It's going to be a busy one around here.

Leanna: Can you believe it? We're going to be grandparents!

You're certainly much more excited than you were to become a mom...

Leanna: I think I'm going to take up knitting...I saw online you can make the cutest little outfits for babies...

Galaxy: Hey, that sounds like a great idea...anything I can do to help?

Leanna: Well...I guess you could go pick up the wool... know most people would just go to a store...

But I guess we're doing it...this way...

Is...this really what Leanna meant?

Galaxy: What? I want my little grand baby to have the best! And what's better than freshly harvested llama wool?

Um...maybe fully cleaned llama wool?

Galaxy: Huh...maybe you have a point. I should probably wash this first.

So, let me get this straight. You bought a get wool. Which you then used to make...a blanket for the llama.

Leanna: Well, sure...I mean, I need to practice on something before I start making baby clothes.

Ok, I think I'm going to hang out inside the house for a, Harrison? Is that really the best attire for repairing a toilet?

Harrison: You've seen these things when they're broken, right? I'm not getting my clothes all wet.

Well, I guess that makes sense.

Oh, boy...let's hope the llama wool outfits are's baby time!

And I see we're doing a home birth...

It's a girl! Welcome, Andromeda!

Aww, she's cute...

Harrison: I...can't believe it...I'm actually a dad!

Yup, you sure are.

Um...we may want to give Larry a bath before we harvest the next batch of wool. Just saying...

Leanna: Here you go, honey...this is for you. Well, technically it's for Andromeda...

Libra: Mom, Winterfest is still days away...

Leanna: I know, but I just finished it, and I can't wait to see how it looks...

Ok, that is pretty cute...good job, Leanna.

And it turns out she wasn't that off for Winterfest. Harrison worried that the tree is going to squirt him with water?

Libra: What do you think of your first Winterfest tree?

I mean, she's not screaming, so I'd say she's pretty thrilled.

Let's hope she's just as happy to see Father Winter for the first time.

Harrison: Ooh, I wonder what it is...

Let's hope it's pants...

And it looks like we've got two birthdays in the mix, too.

Two Winterfest birthdays. Let's do Andromeda first...

Ok, typical first-born...

And she looks exactly like her mom...

Aww, nice outfit.

Harrison: Thanks. I don't want her to get cold on the way to my parents.

Oh, we're going to your parent's house too? That's nice.

Harrison: Yeah, we're all having lunch there. Then Gemini and Mark are coming over here for dinner.

Andromeda: Daddy? Presents now?

Harrison: (sigh) Ok. You can open one present, then we have to go to Grandma and Grandpa Palmer's house.

And I see she's already got Harrison wrapped around her finger.

Harrison: Hi, Dad!

Lucas: Hey! It's great to see you! Where's my new granddaughter?

Looks like she's more interested in Gary than in her grandparents.

Wow, this has been a busy day...

Libra: I know. But I can't help feeling like we forgot something...

I think I figured it out.

Sorry, Leanna: 

Leanna: Oh, that's ok. There's been more than enough celebration around here today anyway. Plus, now it won't look strange when I fall asleep in the rocking chair.

Well, I think you'll have to fight off Andromeda for a turn first. But, now it's time for me to be moving on. I'll see all of you next round!

   A Message From the Mysterious Voice: I know, I know. It's been a while. wanted a Winterfest post to be up during the week of Christmas? Yeah, let's go with that. Obviously, it's been some time since I actually played this lot-this was way back when Cottage Living first came out. I couldn't wait to play with some of the new content, hence Larry the llama. Plus, it gives the elders something to do. 

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