Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Palmer 6: Round 21

Last round, all three Palmer kids adjusted to life in high school. The family's main source of excitement came from their animals. Arctic went on another one of his "adventures", and sadly the family's rodent Hammy passed away from old age. Ocean began practicing her acting skill, and Jessie progressed in her culinary career.

Hey, guys!

Moat: Oh, hey mysterious voice.

So, what's going on around here?

Moat: Oh, nothing really...except Harbor's got a date today!

Oh, really?

Harbor: It's nothing, really! Crayola just wanted to hang out somewhere...

Well, it's a nice day for it, anyway. So where are you two off to?

Harbor: I'm not sure. I told her she could pick. But I'm sure we'll end up going to the arcade, or maybe the park...

Or...a workout date.

Harbor: Oh, the! Yeah, that sounds great!

Crayola: I'm so excited you decided to come. I never really took you as a "gym" person.

Yeah, I have to agree...

Harbor: What are you talking about? I work out all the time!

You do?

Harbor: I work out all the time...

If you say so...

Harbor:'re really good at this.

Crayola: You're not doing too bad yourself. You must have gotten a lot of practice...

Harbor: Oh, yeah...totally. Non-stop running...

When? When do you run?

Harbor: Well, chasing after Arctic has to count for something, doesn't it?

Speaking of...I see Arctic is still keeping things interesting around here.

Harbor: Ow!

Moat: Oh, come can typing hurt?

Harbor: We were there for 3 hours, Moat. Everything hurts...

Moat: Wow, 3 must really like her...

Oh, hey Kiwi. What are you doing here?

Ocean: We've got a science project to do.

Kiwi: I can't believe you got stuck with Bryant for your history project. Good luck getting a good grade on that one.

Ocean: It's not...that bad...

Kiwi: He's Ocean's new boyfriend...

Ocean: He is not...we're just doing a history project together.

Uh-huh...then why is he asking you out on a date?

Ocean: It's not a date...he probably just needs help with the project.

I'm sorry, Bryant is a student at your school? He looks like he just got back from the Olympics.

Bryant: Oh, yeah, that...listen, I've been trying and I just don't think I can get this. I mean, all this stuff about kings and queens...

Ocean: It's not that, I'll show you on the chess table.

Ocean: See? It's as easy as that!

Bryant: Uh...if you say so...I still think we'd get a better grade if you just did it. I mean, you're like, the smartest girl in school...

Ocean: Oh...well, I'm not the smartest in the whole school...but I guess you have a point...

Jessie: So, what do you want to do for the big day?

What big day?

Oh, I see...

Planet: Well, it's not just me. It's the twins' birthday too...

Oh, come on... wait. It's just the dog...we couldn't have had a party for him anyway.

Maybe he'll slow down a bit now that he's older?

Jessie: Oh, come on Arctic...what did you roll in now? I just gave you a bath!

Or maybe not...

Crayola: Hey....happy birthday!

Harbor: you want to come in?

That is how parties typically work, Harbor...

Ok, let's get this triple birthday on the road...

Luckily having 3 birthdays means we'll have more than enough cake for everyone...

Happy birthday, dear Moat...

Happy birthday, dear Harbor...

Man, Harbor hasn't done too well in the trait lottery, has he?

Moat's done much better.

Jessie: Congratulations, honey...

Moat: Thanks!

Jessie: Ok, one more to go...have you seen your father?

Moat:, actually. He kind of disappeared when the party started.

Jessie: Ugh...who hides at their own birthday party? Here, you get the cake set up. I'll go find him...

Looks like Jessie managed to drag him out of hiding...Happy birthday, dear Planet... looks like I forgot to get an after pic, but I assume he was groaning and holding his back.

Oh, and it's college letter time too. Nice job Moat...

Nice job, Harbor...

Nice job, Ocean. (And good luck to Jessie and Planet putting 3 kids through college at once.)

Moat: Aren't most people happy when they get into college?

Ocean: Yeah, no...I am. But it's just...I haven't heard from Bryant. He should have heard back today too...

Moat: Wait...Bryant applied to college? Ocean, Bryant barely graduated from elementary school...

Ocean: I know, I know. But he's not really as dumb as everyone says! That's why I told him to apply. I just hope he isn't too disappointed if he doesn't get in...

Moat: Well, if he is, just wave something shiny in front of his face to distract him...

Ocean: Oh, shut up, will you? And lay off him at the party.

Wait, we're having another party?

Ocean:  Yeah...I have a birthday too, you know.

And it looks like we've got another Splash Fest birthday.

Bryant: Ocean! Guess what? I got in!

Ocean: did? That's great! I'm so proud of you!

Bryant: You sound surprised....

Ocean: No, no...I'm excited for you! I mean, for us! You know, going to college together and all that!

Moat: Thanks...

Huh, these two are kind of cute together...I should remember that.

Wow...that's quite a fancy cake for a birthday...

Ah, I see. That makes sense. Nice job, Jessie...

Happy birthday, dear Ocean...

Ok, I guess that kind of works with the actress aspiration...

Oh, and I guess we're doing Bryant too...

Um, Planet? Don't you want to maybe...put a shirt on before lighting off explosives?

Planet: I can't believe all of you are leaving at the same time...

Ocean: You know I'm coming back, right?

Planet: I know, I's just going to be strange to be here with just me and your mom.

Speaking of...looks like Jessie managed to snag another promotion before I head out.

And with that, we've got three more off to college! I'll catch up with the kids there. Planet and Jessie, I'll see you next round!

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: And the pre-university matchmaking continues! Honestly, I'm very excited for a new generation in this house because there really isn't much going on...aside from Arctic. And he didn't even run away this round! Only one more lot before we head back to University with group 2!

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