Saturday, November 28, 2020

Bernard 1: Round 21

Last round, Haiti continued to advance in the acting career as she landed a gig on a popular kids' show-which turned out to be a good thing, as the costume easily accomodated her second pregnancy with anothe boy, Madagascar. Sadly, her professional success was a bit overshadowed as both her uncle Croix and her mom, Bermuda, passed away from old age. 

Hi, guys! Um...what are we doing outside in the middle of the night?

Haiti: She's right...we should head in...

Again, not what I meant!

(Sigh...) Anyone surprised here?

Why does it always seem I'm on a lot with no yard space the week of Splash Fest?

Wow, you’ve been doing some redecorating...

Guam: Yeah, do you like it? My wallpaper was way too babyish.

Well, that certainly is a creative solution...but why don't you just ask to change the wallpaper?

Guam: Mom said no...with the new baby coming, me and 'Gascar might need to share a room or something. So she doesn't wanna do anything to it until the baby comes. But guess what? I'm getting a whole art room in the basement!

That sounds cool...

Although you don't seem thrilled about the decor in here eitehr.

Guam: Yeah...everything in here is so baby. I mean, I'm way too big for all this under the sea stuff.

Garnet: Hey, do you like your new setup?

Guam: Dad, couldn't we have made it more grown-up looking? I'm not a baby anymore!

Garnet: Hey, I happen to think the ocean is very grown-up...I mean, babies can't swim, right?

Somehow I don't think your very compelling argument convinced him, Garnet...

Haiti: Hey, there, partner. You better...mosey on back to where you came from or I'll...

Let me have another audition?

Haiti:'s some sort of musical set in the old west.

Well, that could be, you've definately got the guitar skills for it.

Haiti: I hope the director thinks the same thing...

Guam: Ok, now we need to screw in the blue chip...

Haiti: Um...maybe we should wait for your father to get home for this...

Speaking of...

Garnet: Ah, nothing like celebratory tacos. Thanks, honey!

Guam: But these are the same tacos we had last night. What were we celebrating then?

Garnet: Um...your mom booking an audition?

Guam: Thanks for spraying, Dad...I mean, I don't need it. I'm too big to believe in monsters. But this way 'Gascar will know there's no monsters uner anyone's bed.

Garnet: Uh-huh...

Looks like we'll need more celebratory tacos. Nice going, Haiti...

And it looks like we've got two things to celebrate.

Haiti: Ok, I'm going to be at the studio all day tomorrow, so Grandma's going to come over and stay with you guys.

Guam: Aw, Mom, I don't need anyone to come and stay with me. I'm big enough to stay by myself.

Haiti: Really? Because I thought I heard her say she was going to bake some cookies while she was here.

Guam: Really? Well, I guess if she wants to come and watch 'Gascar it'd be ok...

Looks like Grandma's about to get another babysitting charge.  It's baby time!

And I guess we're doing this at home.

It's a boy! Welcome, Barbados!

Aww, he's kind of cute.

Garnet: Are you sure you're up to filming this thing tomorrow? I'm sure they'd push it back a few days...

Haiti: Are you crazy? They didn't move a swordfight when I was pregnant with Madagascar. Besides, I'm fine. I'm just going to go get in another quick run...

Haiti: Whoa!

Garnet: You sure feeling ok?

Haiti: Yes, yes. I'm fine. I'm just a little off...

Garnet: Well, you did just have a baby...


Oh, hey there Basket.

Basket: Hi, Aunt Haiti! Can I please see the new baby?

Haiti: Of course, dear...once he wakes up from his nap. Why don't you go play with Guam until then?

Garnet: Hi, Mom...thanks for coming over. I've got a big project down at the office...

Christin: Big project, huh?

Garnet: Yeah. I told you I got promoted, right?

Christin: Actually, no...but congratulations anyway.

Garnet: Uh...the boys are inside...

Guam: Grandma!

Christin: Hi, Guam! Now what's all this your mom's been saying about how you're too old to hang out with your Grandma?

Guam: Well, I guess I'm not to big to hang out with you...but it's only because I want to. Not because you have to watch me.

Christin: It's a deal. And tell you what-how about you be my assistant while I whip up some cookies?

Well, as much as I'd like to stay with Christin and the kids, I think I'd better follow Haiti to the studio.

Makeup Artist: Ok, that's just about done. Now, let me just get the hair dye...

Again with the hair dye? know, Haiti doesn't look too bad as a redhead.

Haiti: Ok, I'm ready! 

Director: Good. Go ahead and get set up for the opening dance number. Quiet on the set!

(whispers) Ok, I have no idea what's going on here...

So, she defeated the bandit What kind of movie is this?

Seems to have gone well, though.

Looks like Garnet had a good day, too.

Guam: Wow, the baby's almost here, huh?

Haiti: Yup. But we have to wait a little bit longer...

Besides, we should probably free up the bassinet first...

Happy birthday, dear Barbados...

Ok, silly isn't too hard.

And he looks...exactly like the other two.

Now we can have dual toddler fun...and I just realized we've barely seen Madagascar all week.

So, I'm guessing that we're not celebrating Splash Fest here?

Haiti: Nope, we're heading down to the pool. the sweater really the best choice for this?

Haiti: I just wanted to get them settled first...then I'll go change.

It looks like "Splash Fest" is more like "Sun Fest"  for Haiti...

You know, it's nice that the pool put out the sprinklers but...that has got to be really dangerous...

Jade: Guys...guess what I just heard!

Guitar: Me making the most epic splash ever?

Jade: No! There’s going to be this new festival all about kids...there’s even going to be a Void Critter contest.

Carp: Really?

Jade: Yeah...there’s this new area of town up in the mountains that’s having it...

Wait...there’s mountains now?

Jade: Yeah...didn't you know that?

Surprisingly, no...even 20 rounds in there are still things about this town that I don't understand.

Like someone trusting Garnet with explosives, for example.

 I guess that wasn't the only celebration to close out the week...

And it looks like his present is a new sibling!

Another home birth?

Haiti: I don't think I have much of a choice.

It's a boy! Welcome, Cayman...

Haiti: Wow...I have four boys...

Yup. Good luck, Haiti...

Let's make it a little easier by getting another one out of diapers. Happy birthday, dear Madagascar...

Hey, a trait and aspiration that match! What are the odds?

Oh, right...Garnet had a birthday, too...

Huh...not bad.

Garnet: Thanks!

Um...I wasn't really talking to you.

Guam: Hey, what are you doing in my room?

Madagascar: My homework...

Guam: Why don't you do your stupid homework in your room?

Madagascar: It's too loud. The baby's crying.

Guam: Ugh...stupid baby. You better be the last one...

I sure hope so, Guam...for your mom's sake. But I think I'd better be on my way. I'll see all of you in round 22!


A Message From the Mysterious Voice: I know, I know. It's been awhile. I've actually managed to get way too far ahead in my game again, so we're back to playing catch up with the blog entries. Anyway, it looks like poor Haiti is going to have her hands full in the rounds to come. I haven't decided whether they will take one more shot at an heiress in round 22; we'll have to see when we get there.

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