Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Tranquility Creek Town Meeting


Thistle: Daisy! Hey! Long time no see!

Daisy: I know, I, do you have any idea what this is all about?

Thistle: Not a clue...but I'm pretty sure the whole town's coming so it must be pretty big...

Whitney: Mom? Can me and Aquafina go play outside? Please?

Lorelei: Sorry, honey...but apparently this whatever this is about involves you too. 

Whitney: But this is just a boring meeting! Nothing important ever happens in boring meetings!

Erica: You'd think there would at least be places to sit...

Harrison: Uh, Finn? I don't think this is an open mic event.

Finn: What? I'm just providing some atmosphere...

Rey: So, what do you think? Is she finally going to show us what she looks like or what?

Elipse: Who?

Rey: The mysterious voice! I mean, she called the whole town over here-it's gotta be for something important...

(clears throat) Attention everyone....attention...Hey! Listen up!...Thank you for coming, everyone. I've called you all here tonight because there is something very important happening soon that I wanted you all to know about. Could someone hit the lights, please?

Welcome, everyone to our town meeting. Like I said, I have some exciting news to share with you. Now, some of you may remember that back when the whole toddler...thing happened, there was a...bit of concern.

Daisy: Ha! That's putting it mildly. I was sure my mom was going to lose it when Thistle aged up.

Ah, think you, Daisy...that's actually a perfect segue...

Yes, our first toddlers caused a bit of a panic...

Erica: How many more times are you going to show that picture?

(clears throat) As I was an effort to avoid this happening again, I wanted to give you all a heads up that something very similar is going to be happening again...

Thistle: What? Are babies only going to halfway age up to toddlers now?

Well, you're not entirely wrong...

Let's start with how babies are now. Right now, you put down a bassinet, and the baby kind of stays there. Right?

Leia: Aww, I forgot how little they were...

Rey: Mom...

Pine: Wait, so are you saying that they're not going to stay there?

Well, they will at first. But instead of growing into a toddler, they will now grow into an infant.

Various Shouting Voices: A what? What's an infant? I knew it...we're going to have to do this toddler thing twice now!

Ok, ok. I can see there are a lot of feelings here. Please, try and stay calm and I will explain. First of all, yes. Unlike your current newborns, infants will be able to move around...sort of.

See, at first, they won't be able to move very much. They might be able to roll over, and sit up. But that's pretty much it. 

Shouted Voice: Why not just leave them in the bassinet then?

Ah, I'm glad you brought that up...whoever that was. Sorry, the lights make it hard to see you all. But infants actually won't sleep in bassinets-instead, they'll sleep in something called a crib...

Shouted Voice: Oh, of course...why wouldn't we have to buy another piece of furniture.

Well, the good news is that once they learn to sit up you can use the same high chair...but you will have to actually feed them. 

Shouted Voice: This seems like a lot more work...

Um...yeah, it kind of is...

But remember-there is nothing wrong with them. They will grow up into the same toddlers you have now, and then...

Shouted Voice:'re telling us that after going through this whole infant thing, we still have to deal with toddlers after?

Well, yeah...of course. And that's the basics on infants...

Any Questions?

Shouted Voice: I don't think I can do this...

Shouted Voice 2: Yeah, toddlers are hard enough...

Shouted Voice 3: How are we going to get anything else done?

Shouted Voice 4: How do you know that they're going to grow up normally after, anyway? I mean, have you seen one of these infants?

Shouted Voice 5: Yeah...what if they don't?

Shouted Voice 6: What happens then, huh?

(sigh) Here we go again...

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