Friday, September 27, 2019

Bernard 1: Round 20

Last round, Haiti and Garnet were settling back into the Bernard house after their wedding. Haiti decided to take an unfamiliar path and joined the acting career, leading to a week full of auditions and one very weird gig. Somehow, she also managed to squeeze in giving birth to her first child, Guam. Garnet, meanwhile, was able to put his...unique...skillset to use in the tech guru career. Sadly, Ezekiel also passed away from old age.

Hi, Haiti...

Haiti: Oh, hey Mysterious Voice.

Anything exciting going on around here?

Haiti: Not really...I have another audition lined up for tomorrow.

For what?

Haiti: I'm not sure,'s some TV movie about pirates.

Well, at least you'll be able to see your face in this one...

Garnet: There you are! What have you been doing down here all day?

Haiti: I have an audition tomorrow...I figured if I practiced down here...

Garnet: You've been working too hard. Come on...I know just how to help you relax...

(sigh) Uh-huh...

Right on cue. Let's hope that the director doesn't mind a pregnant pirate...


I have a feeling this is going to be one of those rounds where we have a mass exodus of elders...

Good to see that Bermuda has the same reaction to Grimmy as an elder that she did as a child...

Goodbye, Croix...

Garnet: Are you sure you want to go through with this audition thing? I mean, I don't know a lot about pirates but I'm pretty sure a pregnant, grieving woman isn't what they're looking for...

Seriously, Garnet?

Garnet: What? I'm just saying...

Haiti: It's fine. I already have the thing booked...I might as well go...

Well, it's a good thing you, they're ok with the pregnancy?

Haiti: I guess so...

Let's just hope they get you a stunt double.

But first, we've got New Year's Eve to attend to.

No big party this time?

Haiti: No, we decided to keep it low-key this year...

Guam: Daddy? Is it midnight yet?

Garnet: No, Guam. It's 5 in the afternoon...

Something tells me that Guam might still be too young for the midnight countdown...

Bermuda: Congratulations on the show, honey...

Haiti: Thanks, Mom...

Bermuda: I was reading the description that came with your sounds wonderful. I can't wait to watch it...

(sigh) You had to say that out loud, didn't you?

Bermuda: Why wouldn't I?

(Sigh) This is why not...

When one twin goes...

...the other one's not far behind...

Goodbye, Bermuda...

Well, if one death helped with the audition...

Rangi: Hi there, Ms. Bernard. My name is Rangi, I'll be doing your hair and makeup today.

Haiti: Oh,, do you do my stunt double at the same time?

Rangi: Stunt double? What stunt double?

Haiti: Well, I just figured...with me know what? It's fine. I'll just be careful...

Co-Star: Oh, here's another one...I'm supposed to...whoa...well clearly we're not doing that.

Haiti: I'm sure we'll find a way to make it work...they can fix anything in editing, right?

(whispers) I sure hope the director appreciates restraint.

And I guess sword fighting induces labor...good to know.

Yes, let's head to the hospital...

Haiti: What about Garnet?

I'm sure he'll meet us there...

And run in the opposite direction of the delivery room towards the vending machine...

Receptionist: Hey, I know're the girl from that commercial! 

Haiti: Yup, that's me...anyway, I...

Receptionist: 🎵Why let repairmen suck you dry when you...🎵

Haiti: Yeah, I, um...I know the song. But right now I kind of need to see a doctor.

Oh, hey Forest...

Forest: Alright, Haiti...just relax...

It's a boy! Welcome, Madagascar...

Haiti: Come on, buddy...let's go introduce you to your brother. I'm sure he'll be so excited!

Um...sure, I guess that sounds ok. I mean, they're willingly giving the investment, right?

And anyway, it seemed to work...

Guam: Mama, can we take 'Gascar to playgroup too?

Haiti: Not quite yet, honey. He's still too little.

Guam: But who's gonna play with him if I'm not here?

Don't worry, Guam, Grandma is on it-even if she has to do it from beyond the grave.

Besides, it doesn't look like he's going to be little for too much longer...

Happy birthday dear Madagascar...

Ok, so far this round we've had a fussy and a, playgroup will be interesting...

And he looks...exactly like his brother.

And I guess we're documenting this fact with a family portrait day?

Haiti: Basket, your mom was supposed to bring a nice outfit for you...

Basket: She forgot...

Guam: If she doesn't have to be dressed up then why do we?

Yeah, this might go better over at Aunt Bahama's house...

Or maybe not...there are more distractions here...

And I guess we get to end the week with one more birthday...

Garnet: And then the old owl said, "Sharing is the most wonderful feeling in the world. Why don't you try letting Mr. Mouse share your seeds and nuts..."

Sapphire: Mama said she's not gonna share her money, though...

I see Amethyst has already warned her daughter about Uncle Garnet...

Ok, let's get this show on the road before a family brawl breaks out. Happy birthday, dear Guam...

Hey, an aspiration and trait that match!

And I guess we're trying for a cousin picture before we go?

Garnet: Trying is right...ok, everybody ready...wait, Hestia, where's your sister?

Hestia: I don't know...

Well, I'll let you guys figure this one out. It's time for me to be moving on to the next house anyway. See you guys next round!

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: Another lot, another two elders gone. I know we didn't see a whole lot of toddler fun on this lot, but between the elders dying off and jumping back and forth for Haiti's gigs, there really wasn't time for it. Guam spent a lot of the week at daycare. The pictures with Basket did turn out really cute...I'm considering adding a "photo album" page to show some of the in-game screenshots that don't make it onto the blog. 

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