Monday, September 30, 2019

Howard 1: Round 20

Last round, Hermes moved in with his new wife Hope and the two quickly became pregant with their first child. Their son Anger was born shortly after. Unfortunately, it wasn't all smiles as Herbert passed away from old age.

Hi, guys...oh, I know that look...

(Sigh) Yup, right on cue...why do I always show up at these moments?

Well, that's one event we have to look forward to this week...let's see what else is on the calendar...

Oh, award night...are you going?

Disgust: Are you kidding? They don't give out those things for cooking...

I don't see why-they seem to give them out for everything else.

Disgust: And then the dinosaur said...phew! Finally!

The dinosaur said "Phew! Finally?"

Disgust: No, he's finally asleep. This must be the fifth book I've read to him.

Looks like Cortex brought home a present. Cortex helping with potty training?

Hermes: Well, she certainly thinks she is.

Great, well, when Anger starts going to the bathroom in the yard we'll know who to blame.

Let's hope Cortex didn't give him any other pointers...

And the charmer hugs continue...

Um, Erica? I don't think toddlers really appreciate the violin...

Hey, those came out pretty good. 

Hope: Thanks.  I'm getting better at this photo thing...I think I'm ready to go pro!

Go pro?

Hope: Yeah...I think I can make a living at this.


Hope: What?

Nothing,'s just funny that of all the houses yours is the one to try this out.

Hope: (sigh) Look, me pick my first gig, ok?

Hope: Here, little darlings formal attire. That sounds easy.

I don't think Anger is going to be a willing model for formal wear...

Hope: No, but I know where I can find a couple...

Sadness is letting you use her kids?

Kumquat: Use us for what?

Hope: I just need to take some pictures of you two for my new job...

Kiwi: Ugh...not you too! Mommy already does that all day!

Hope: Yes, but does she let you dress up in fancy grown-up clothes when she does it?

That seems to have talked them into it...

Hope: Ok, kids...say "cheese"...

Or "new baby"...that could work too.

Looks like the photoshoot will have to end a little early.

Receptionist: Ok, now just give me a minute...oops. Stupid keyboard...I keep hitting the wrong button...

Maybe because of the guitar shoved through your desk...

Receptionist: Now, don't panic...why don't you just go down the hall to your left?

Oh, so the same room they always go to, then?

Man, Forest has been busy this round...

It's a boy! Welcome...Panic?

Hope: What can I say? The receptionist inspired me.

Well, at least his name goes well with his brother's...

Hope: Oh! I almost forgot! I'm supposed to cover playgroup today!

I'm sure the other parents would understand...

Hope: No, I can do it. I'll just have my mom watch Panic while I'm at the park.

Too bad she couldn't be in the photoshoot too...

Hope: I know. But the job description specifically said "kids".

Hermes: Are you sure you aren't too tired? I can handle the rest of the afternoon...

Hope: Tired? No way...

Hope: Although, now that I think of it...I could use a little...nap...

Um, guys...what are you...

Guys, is this really an appropriate place to...

Too late...

Oh, good. Amygdala's still the family leftover disposal. I'd almost forgotten about her.

Yeah, better get Panic out of that bassinett; soon we'll need to for the new arrival.

Happy birthday, dear Panic...

(sigh) And the toddler trait bad luck continues...

But not bad genetics! Wow, he got the purple eyes too? Those genetics are stronger than I thought.

And we now have two toddlers just in time for Love Day...

So, I take it you two aren't doing anything huge?

Hope: Well, not for Love Day...

Ah, I see. I suppose Anger's birthday does take priority.

Hope:, let's try Grandma and the kids up on the stage, with the toddlers in front...

Disgust: Honestly, Hope, by the time you take the picture he's going to be a teenager...

Nice of the venue to install a stage out front for this purpose, though...

Ok, let's get this show on the road. Happy birthday, dear Anger...

Well the dog lover thing is already taken care of with Cortex...

Ok, well it looks like the party's over...

Hope: Hold on...first I've got to get one more shot...


Ok, very we need to go!

Yes, please...

Pulled you out of bed, did they Forest?

It's a girl! Welcome baby...

Surprise. Well, it looks like she's living up to her name already...those alien genes are strong! And with that little "surprise" out of the way, I guess it's time for me to...

Oh, hold that looks like Cortex has one more...

Oh, we get to start looking out for pet deaths too! Ok, I'm going to go ahead and get out of here before there are any more little surprises...I'll see all of you next round.

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: Hey, a lot with no deaths! Disgust has an active trait, so she got some extra time-which is good because it meant that I could have her cook a ton of non-spoiling meals for the house thanks to her reward trait. Something tells me they're going to come in handy. It's actually super fitting that Hope ended up being the photographer. Way, way back in the first generation of this house, when GTW first came and added photography, I was planning to have Maura (remember her?) start a photo store. There are so many pictures in this lot's household inventory it's not even funny. Maura's photo studio never came to be, but her great-granddaughter can take the reins as a freelancer now.

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