Last round, Bahama and Sage moved into their new home. They both settled on the entertainer career, which was a natural fit for Bahama but not so much for Sage. Bahama also quickly fell pregnant, and soon gave birth to their first child, Drum.
Hey, guys...
Bahama: Hi, mysterious voice...
Ok, listen, I need to talk to you guys about something...
Ok, I guess it can wait...
Although not too long...
Bahama: Guess what...
Sage: ...We won the lottery?
Bahama: No...I'm pregnant...
Sage: Oh...well, that's great too.
Bahama: I can't wait to tell everyone at New Year's...
Looks like a pretty clear week after that, though...
Although we're about to have a toddler so I'm guessing that will change.
Happy birthday, dear Drum...
Oh, good. Angelic...
Wow, he's going to be a little heartbreaker, isn't he?
Nice going, Sage...
Sage: Thanks...
So, how exactly is the whole drinking thing going to work?
Sage: I don't know..Does orange juice count?
I don't think so...
Let's hope Bahama's family appreciates the non-traditional refreshments.
Ezekiel: Hey there, little man...
Bahama: Dad, how do you know it's a boy?
Ezekiel: I've got a sense about these things...
Cyprus: (yawn)
Getting late for you there?
Cyprus: No, it's just that this stupid New Year's show is so boring...
Well, everyone else doesn't seem to agree...
Everyone: Happy New Year!!!
And what a better way to kick off a new year than a new baby?
Sage: Ok, labor...oh, man, what did we do last time...bassinet! Oh, no...we forgot a bassinet!!!
Bahama: Sage, relax...they'll give us one...
Yeah, and in the most obvious spot...right between the guitar and the stereo...
It's a boy! Welcome...Crate?
Bahama: What?
Well, it's just...when you named your first son Drum I assumed...I mean, you guys are both musicians, so...
Bahama: Well, yes, but Viola and Shark already name their kids after instruments. Did you think we forgot about that?
No...of course not...
Sage: Are you sure you don't want me to take him? You just gave birth...
Bahama: No, it's ok. Besides, I told the other parent's I'd do sing-along today.
Sage: What are you saying? I can lead a sing-along...
Drum: (laughs)
Sage: What?
Bahama: I'll handle it today, honey. Maybe next time...after you have a chance to practice some.
All right, let's get going...
Claritin: Hey new kid!
Drum: My name's Drum...
Claritin: I like new kid better...
Bahama: Oh...
Bahama: I've got to run to the bathroom...can you cover for me for a minute?
You're leading a sing-along for toddlers...
Bahama: What? These things just...happen!
...Yeah, I'm going to let that one go.
At least we won't have two babies at once.
Happy birthday, dear Crate...
Hey, we haven't seen inquisitive in awhile...
Wow, he looks exactly like his brother...
Let the double toddler fun begin...
Drum: Mama? Airplane?
I think the airplane game might have to wait a bit, Drum...
Looks like we're staying here...
It's a girl! Welcome, Basket!
So, are you done now?
Bahama: Yeah, I think we're done.
Huh...ok, sure. Perform the encore...
Wow, that was lucky.
Sage: kidding.
Bahama: Uh-oh...
Aren't people usually happy after promotions?
Bahama: Well of course I'm happy. But Sage and I getting promoted on the same day means we're both working tomorrow night...and we can't afford a nanny yet.
Well, maybe you can make alternate arrangements? Like, a grandparent, perhaps?
Bahama: Hi, Mom...thanks for coming over.
Bermuda: What, like I'm not going to come and meet my new granddaughter?
Bahama: Sage and I will be home around 9. The boys should go down around 7:30. If they get fussy...
Bermuda: We'll be fine. Go...have a great night at work.
Bermuda: Oh, looks like someone needs a diaper change! Don't worry, baby...Grandma will get it.
Well, it looks like Sage had a good day...
Nice going, Sage...
And I see Grandma had an interesting evening as well...tell you what, you take care of that diaper and the carpet and I'll see you guys next round!
A Message From the Mysterious Voice: So...yeah...we had to make an emergency adjustment to this house's naming theme. I honestly forgot that I already had a musical instrument house. But hey, after almost 4 years of this town I'm bound to forget at least one, right? Now onto our last house of the round!