Saturday, July 20, 2019

Bernard 4: Round 19

Last round, Luke was finally settling into his desired career as a mixologist. With the career drama over with, the family was able to spend a rare afternoon visiting Cindy's brother Cyrus. Not to be outdone, however, the Bernard clan reassembled for Tempera's birthday, which just so happened to fall on Splash Fest.

Hey, guys...

Tempera: Yeah, hi mysterious voice. Mom, know how Crayola and I are always fighting over the computer?

Cindy: Uh-huh...

Tempera: Well, I have the perfect solution...

Cindy: You two finally learn to share?

Tempera: ...No...I think it's time I have my own laptop!

Cindy: Are you crazy? We can't afford that...especially after all the work we've done to the house.

Yeah, I was going to ask about work do you mean completely rebuilding?

Tempera: Oh, come on,'s almost Rebate Day!

Cindy: (sigh) Ask your father...

Well, he should be in a good mood now. He just got promoted...

Luke: ...We already have a computer.

Tempera: I know,, Crayola's always hogging it and...

Luke: I'm sorry, Tempera, but we just don't have the money for that. Besides, it's time you started to earn some of your own. You're growing up...

And she's not the only one...

Sorry about missing the birthday, Cindy.

Cindy: Oh, that's all's not like anything's different anyway.

Huh...this is new.

Tempera: It's an odd jobs list...people post random stuff they need done for money.

Wouldn't it be easier to get just one part-time job?

Tempera: Maybe...but then I have to go there like, every day. This way, I can just earn the money for my computer and be done with it...

I don't $19 a pop I think it's going to be a long time before you're "done with it"...

Tempera: I'm never going to earn enough for that laptop...

Crayola: Maybe Father Winter can bring you one...

Cindy: I don't think Father Winter brings gifts that big, honey...

Well, it's possible...I've seen him bring a new stove before...

Cindy: Wow, it's really coming down...

Maybe you guys should go inside and warm up...

...Not exactly what I meant there, guys...

Let's hope Father Winter likes his cookies well done...

Crayola: Hmm...should I put the red one next to the gold one? Or next to the blue one?

Tempera: (sigh) Does it really matter? You've barely put two ornaments up.

Crayola: Hey, you stay on your side and I'll stay on mine...

You two might want to knock off the fighting for a little while...we have a visitor.

Father Winter: Here you go, Tempera...Happy Winterfest...

Tempera: Is it a laptop?

No, but that's still a pretty cool gift...

Father Winter: And here you go, Crayola... gets a gaming mat and one gets a crystal? That...doesn't seem fair.

Let's hope the presents under the tree are more evenly divided...

What'd you get this time?

Crayola: A new Llamawoman toy...

Is that what you wanted?

Crayola: Well, it's better than a rock...

Ok, time to clean up the living room...the Bernard family is assembling. 

Luke: Ok, everyone! Dinner's on!

Poe: Um, dude? I think that turkey might be a little...undercooked...

Luke: It's not a's a tofu-rekey. 

Poe: ...A what?

Luke: It's thew vegetarian version.

Oh, right...I forgot you were a vegetarian.

Luke: Everybody does. Try it, it's great!

Poe: Eh...that's ok. I think I'll stick to the side dishes...

Cindy: So what's this Luke's been telling me about you guys fighting off some kind of plant?

Leia: (laughs) It's a long story...

Cindy: Wait, so...that did happen? I thought he was just making it up.

Finn: I wish...

Crayola: My birthday cake's not gonna be made of tofu too, is it?

Cindy: (laughs) No...I don't think the restaurant we're going to has tofu cakes. Now hurry up and get washed up. It's almost time to go.

Crayola: Ok!

You know, Crayola, washing your hands usually works better if you take your gloves off...

I see we're going for the quiet family dinner option this time.

Cindy: We just had a giant party at our house for Winterfest, and it's too cold for the park. This seemed easier.

All right, then. Happy birthday, dear Crayola...

And I guess the randomizer just realized that the animal lover traits exist, too. Looks like this house is going to be getting a pet...

...but unfortunately, that will have to wait until next time. It's time for me to be moving on. I'll see all of you next round!

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: Yup, more teens. There's a whole lot of growing up happening this round. This house is usually pretty uneventful. I'm actually relived that Crayola rolled the "cat lover" trait; hopefully a pet will liven things up. Anyway, with Tempera's wealth aspiration I figured she'd be a good candidate for trying out the odd job system. Unfortunately with Winterfest in the middle of the week and still having school, she only managed to go on that one job. Winterfest was also the reason that these guys didn't get down to Sulani. I tried to fit in a beach day but there was just too much else going on.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Palmer 6: Round 19

Last round, the Palmer family indulged their son Harbor's love of dogs by adopting a puppy named Arctic. Soon after aging to an adult dog, though, Arctic went on a little "adventure" by running the end of the street. Meanwhile, both Planet and Jessie advanced in their careers and Jessie aged to an adult. 

Morning, guys...

Harbor: Hey, maybe the mysterious voice knows!

If this is about the islands...

Jessie: No...not that...nobody seems to be able to find Arctic this morning.

Oh...well, I'm sure he's around here somewhere...

Planet: Ok, so let's go over this again. We've got Galaxy, Leanna, and the girls...then we've got Universe, Poe, and the triplets, plus Asteroid and Keeley...and then we've got your Riley, Candy, Nestle and Starburst...anyone else from your side?

Jessie: What about Yuki?

Planet: ...Who's Yuki?

Jessie: Candy's sister...

What are you guys talking about?

Jessie: We're hosting Harvestfest this week. We know we didn't have enough chairs...we just didn't realize by how much.

And I guess that's our answer as to what happened to Arctic...

Wait, he's not back yet?

Jessie: Not this time...I just posted an ad online to see if anyone's seen him. I don't know why this dog keeps running away.

Some dogs just like to roam, I guess.

Jessie: Well it would have been nice to know that when we adopted him...

Harbor: I hope Arctic comes home soon...I don't know why he's always running away.

I'm sure he just needed some excitement. He'll be back soon.


And he even brought back a present...although given how dirty he is I might not want to touch it.

Harbor: I was so worried about you, boy...hey, stop licking me!

Maybe save the reunion kisses for after he's had a bath?

Planet: You gave us quite a scare there, buddy...

Galaxy: You ever think about building a fence or something?

Planet: You think that would work?

With this dog, probably not...

Hey, nice going Ocean...

Although it would have been nice if the kids who are actually having a birthday had completed theirs, but whatever...

Ocean: Why are you making the cake here? Didn't you make a cake at home?

Jessie: Yes...and then I left it there. How do you work this stupid oven?

Ocean: Why don't you ask someone who works here?

I don't think anyone works here...

Well, looks like the cake came out alright anyway. Happy birthday, dear Moat...

Good, now both of them can be depressed when the dog runs away...

Happy birthday, dear Harbor...

And when you're raised by a chef I guess "glutton" only makes sense.

And I approve of the outfit choices...

Ocean: Thanks!

I was actually talking to your brothers but your dress is very nice too.

Looks like it's go time...I hope they got enough chairs.

Ocean: Is this all we're gonna have for breakfast?

Planet: Well, yeah...I mean, we're going to be eating a ton of turkey later.

I think what you mean is that we're going to eat a lot of turkey now. 

Universe, what are you doing?

Universe: I thought I'd clean out the know, to make room for the leftovers?

Ok, two problems with that plan. One, this isn't your house. Two, do you really think there will be leftovers with this group?

Jessie: Dinner time, everyone! Ok, now we're going to have to be a bit creative about this...let's see...where's my chart...

By the time everyone figures out where to sit down it's going to be Winterfest...

Or at least Day of Digestion. Ok, listen guys. Maybe just stay away from the gnomes this time...

Too late...

Ocean: I did it! why don't we quit while we're ahead and do something else for the day?

Ocean: Like what...oh....can we go to the islands? Please?

Sounds like a good plan to me, but maybe you should ask your mom.

And it looks like mom said yes...hey, where's Harbor?

Moat: He's trying out one of the Aqua Zips...

...What's an Aqua Zip?

Oh...just be careful, ok, Harbor? I don't see any lifeguards...

Hey, it's Ocean in the ocean...

Planet: You remembered to bring it this time, right?

Jessie:'s in the cooler right over there.

Bring what?

Oh, I see...this is an impromptu birthday party.

Happy birthday, dear Ocean...

Oh, another new one. That randomizer's finally throwing some curve balls.

Ocean: Hey, Dad, is it cool if I go explore down the beach a bit?

Planet:'re a teenager now. I don't see why not. Besides, I think I should probably keep an eye on your brother on that Aqua-thing.

Wow, this place is really pretty at sunset.

Ocean: Yeah...what smells so good?

I can't help you with smells...but I think something's going on a littler further down the beach.

Ocean: Wow...this food is amazing, thank you! 

Well, I think I'll let you guys enjoy the local cuisine. I've got to be on my way....

(sigh) Besides, it looks like you guys have some searching to do. Start putting up those flyers, and I'll check in on you all next round.

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: Ok, first off...the end picture. I should explain this now because it's going to be coming up a lot. One of the "bugs" that came with Island Living is that for some reason, alien Sims now always show as disguised in their "manage world" portrait, even if they aren't disguised in gameplay. Hence, why Harbor looks so strange and why Ocean doesn't have her alien eyes. Several of my end pictures are going to look strange going forward until this gets resolved. (Truthfully, I don't know that this is, in fact, a bug-it may be a change with how occult Sims are handled with the addition of mermaids. If it is, I have to say, not such a fan of it.) Anyway, I have no idea why Arctic loves to run away so much. He never stays away for long, but it bums everyone in the household out for a day or two. I usually don't build fences around my Sims' houses because of the expense, but this house might have to be an exception.