Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Round 19 Scorecard

Sims Added By Birth/Adoption:

Pike Hannon
Guam Bernard
Anger Howard
Blaine Flenderson
Whitney Flenderson
Iris Palmer
Amaryllis Palmer
Crocus Palmer
Poppy Palmer
Hoth Bernard
Chandrilla Bernard
Guitar Flenderson
Trombone Flenderson
Banjo Flenderson
Sapphire Doe
Tangerine Howard
Aquafina Flenderson
Sparrow Palmer
Raven Palmer

Sims Added By Marriage/Move-In:

Keeley Dunn (Married Asteroid Kauker)

In Memoriam:

Ezekiel Vigil
Herbert Lytle
Aldo Flenderson
Mackerel Hannon
Brock Flenderson

New Naming Themes:

Flenderson 4: Brands of Bottled Water (Re-Theme)
Palmer 7: Types of Birds

Palmer 7: Round 19

At long last, we've come to the final house in Round 19! This one's a new household, belonging to Clam Hannon and Lily Palmer.

Hi, guys! Settling in ok?

Clam: Yeah...we just finished moving in all our stuff.

Just? Your wedding was weeks ago. What have you been doing this whole time?

Ahh...never mind, then...

I'm surprised that took this long.

Lily: ...No, Clam...I'm going to have a baby...

Clam: So, like this one will be ours? It'll be here all the time?

Great grasp on the situation there, Clam...

Clam: Does this mean we're not going to be on babysitting duty for your sister anymore?

Lily: I guess it does...I'm meeting her at the flea market later on. I guess I can break the news to her then.

And the baby should be here in time for HarvestFest...

Clam: I guess I should get a job now, huh?

That tends to help, yes....

Lily: Rose! I'm so glad you could come...where are the twins?

Rose: They're with Daisy. I sent the babies to daycare.

Wait...so you do realize that daycare is a thing?

Rose: Well, yeah...but I'm not going to just send all of them to daycare all the time...

Lily: Well, actually, that's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about...I'm pregnant!

Rose: Oh...

Lily: Yeah, so...

Rose: That's great! This way the babies will have some friends to play with!

Lily: ...Well, that's...not exactly....

Rose: Oh, you know, I've actually got to get going. I'm meeting a friend over at the lounge...good luck selling your wood carvings or whatever...

Lily: It's paintings, actually...

Any takers?

Lily: Not really, but to be honest nobody seems to be buying anything out here. They're all more interested in the living statue over there.

Clam: Did you tell her?

Lily: I tried...

Clam: We can't keep taking care of her kids and take care of our kid. That's...too many kids.

Lily: Well...our baby isn't here yet. We've still got some time...

You were saying?

Clam, she's in labor. I think she can do whatever she wants...

Besides, I don't think we have time for a hospital visit...

It's a girl! Welcome, Sparrow!

Wait, really? Another girl? Ok...welcome, Raven...

Lily: Well, I guess it makes sense...after all, both Clam and I are twins, right?

Eh...sort of...

Lily: Wait...sort of? What do you mean, sort of?

Um...nothing. Forget I said anything...

Well, they're both very cute.

You guys are still hosting Harvestfest?

Clam: Yeah...it's not such a big deal, Plus, it gives everyone a chance to see the babies. Kind of a two for one thing.

Clam: Lily? Where does this thing go?

Lily: What thing?

Clam: This weird...twisty paper thing...

Lily: How should I know? This is the first time we've done this!

Lily: I don't want to bring this up at Harvestfest dinner!

Clam: Well, you have to bring it up sometime! We've got two babies of our own now. We're not a daycare! The daycare is a daycare!

Again, great grasp on the situation, Clam...

Lily: (sigh) I know, you're right...but still, Harvestfest doesn't seem like the best time to bring it up.

Besides, it looks like you're pretty occupied right now.

Lily: I'm so glad Dad taught me how to cook...

Amaryllis: Aunt Lily! Story!

Lily: (sigh) Your Mama's right in the other room, honey...go see if she'll read to you for awhile.

Amaryllis: No....I want Aunt Lily to read!

Betta: So, twins, huh? Who could have guessed?

Lily: Well, I did have a bit of a clue...I guess it runs in your side of the family too?

Betta: Sort of. My uncles were a set of twins. What about you guys? Were you two the first set?

Rose: If you can call it that...

Betta: Huh?

Rose: Mom never told you...did she?

Lily: Told me what?

Hey...who wants to go meet the new babies?

After all, this might be the only chance...

Mikel: What was that?


I guess I should be thankful that this came up after dinner and we didn't have two more mouths to feed.

Happy Birthday, dear Sparrow...

Yes! We haven't had an independent toddler in awhile...

Aww, she got Clam's hair!

Happy birthday, dear Raven...

....Of course the other one would be fussy...

Man, there's going to be a lot of blonde toddlers around town...

Should I assume Raven received a similar makeover?

Lily: Pretty much. She's got some braids that Sparrow doesn't.

Good to know...

Lily: Did you get the uniforms laid out?

Clam: Yup. All set.

Lily: Good. I've got to leave early to pick up Iris and Amaryllis on the way.

Clam: Wait...we're still doing that?

You know, I think I'll let you two work this out on your own. Because believe it or not, it's time for me to be moving on to round 20! 

A Message from the Mysterious Voice: And round 19 is officially complete! (Aside from the scorecard, that is.) I cannot believe that we're at round 20 already. I also cannot believe that we had another set of twin girls. My game tends to go in spurts when it comes to the gender of babies, but we still just had a lot of girls in a row. Clam and Lily are a really cute couple, though. Now, stand by for the Round 19 scorecard!

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Flenderson 3: Round 19

Last round, Erica and Thistle finally move into their new home after their wedding. Rather than take on traditional careers, they decided to earn a living running a family video channel. Needless to say, their new drone was a constant companion-even as Erica gave birth to their first child, Dasani.

Hey, guys...oh, sorry...I'll just make myself busy in the other room 

There we go...

Erica: We've got to tell everyone...

Thistle: Yeah...I'll call my sisters in the morning...

Erica: Well...that's not really what I meant...

Erica: Hey, everyone! Erica here, with a huge announcement! You may notice I've put on a little big of weight recently...I saw those comments...well, we're very excited to announce that we are expecting our second baby! Dasani is super excited to be a big sister, so remember to subscribe to see all the baby updates!

Impressive that you manage to film a video with a toddler on your back. I guess that's where the drone comes in handy.

Wait...why does the calendar say "Palmer?"

Thistle: The kids have Erica's last name...why can't the calendar have mine?

Huh...good point...

Erica: Rose! What a surprise! Come on in. Thistle will be so surprised to see you!

Rose: Look, I need a favor...do you think you could take Iris and Amaryllis to play group tomorrow?

Thistle: Well....don't you want to go with them? I mean, that's kind of the whole point...

Rose: Look, I've got...plans tomorrow. And you guys are going anyway, right?

Thistle: I guess, but...

Rose: Great. And you've only gotta take them for the morning. Daisy'll meet you over at the islands in the afternoon-she's been taking them to the beach or something like that.

Erica: We'd better get going if we're going to meet your sister on time.

Thistle: You're right. Dasani, time to go!

Dasani: No!!! Wanna stay!

Erica: But you'll get to see Aunt Daisy...and the ocean...

Dasani: Ocean! Ocean!

Thistle: Eh, good enough. Come on, let's go. I'll grab the twins.

Oh, hey Daisy...

Daisy: Hi Erica...thanks for covering the morning shift for me.

Morning shift?

Daisy: Oh, we've been passing the twins between me and Lily...pretty much every day now. I take the  toddlers one day, the babies the next. You know, I thought I would be done with toddlers by this point.

Thistle: Isn't Rose ever home with them?

Daisy: Well, she's there at night...I think. 

Erica: I can't imagine having 4 kids as a single mom...

Thistle: Yeah, I guess you gotta have help...

While we're here, I guess a little swim couldn't hurt.

Though it might just induce labor.

Looks like we made it home just in time...

It's a girl! Welcome, Aquafina...

I honestly wasn't expecting you guys to have another girl.

Erica: I know...I just hope they'll get along better than Lorelei and I did.

Well it sure seems like we're off to a good start.

Thistle: Look, Dasani...that's your new sister!

And now you can fit into your costume! 

Thistle: Hey, Lily! How are you and Clam doing? Oh, you know. Just sitting here dressed like an astronaut. Uh-huh...wait, is that crying in the background? You didn't...oh, that's Crocus...so you've got the babies today, huh? Well, at least you'll be all set when you and Clam do have kids. Did you dress them up....I don't know, a burrito, maybe?

And I guess we're ending the day with a Candy Fest sing along...ok...

I hope she knows how to play "Happy Birthday"

Happy birthday, dear Aquafina...

Huh...we haven't seen inquisitive in awhile.

And she got Thistle's hair color too!

Thistle: Hey, Daisy...yeah, I'll be right over...

Thistle: So, which ones did you take today?

Daisy: Neither. Lily took the toddlers, and Rose stayed home with the babies...for once.

Thistle: Well, that's good...I think. I had no idea how much she was relying on you two.

Daisy: I mean....she's not leaving them alone, at least. And she does have to go to work...but it doesn't seem like she's exactly thrilled to see them when I drop them off at night. I'm just worried she's in over her head. She had those kids really fast. I remember when Carrie was first born, I already had the boys and there were days I thought I would just lose it. And I had Lucas to help out..

Thistle: Well, what are we supposed to do about it? The kids are here-it's not like she can un-have them. 

Daisy: Maybe we can convince her to hire some help? I mean, she did inherit Mom's house and from what I hear she's doing pretty well at the software company. 

Thistle: Well, tonight's Dasani's birthday. Maybe we can talk to her then...

Aquafina: Mama! Cake for me?

Erica: No, honey...it's not your birthday, remember?

Don't worry, Aquafina. I'm sure you'll still get to eat a piece.

Right after the awkward argument, that is.

Thistle: Well, it's just...4 kids is really a lot, and we're just worried that...

Rose: You think I don't know that? Besides, I've got all the help I need from Daisy and Lily...even if you don't want to...

Thistle: Rose, Daisy's got 3 teenagers...she's raised her kids already.

Rose: Well, all the better then. If she's busy the kids can pitch in...right, Carrie?

Carrie: Whoa...whatever this is about, leave me out of it...

(sigh) Let's just get this birthday done before a fistfight breaks out. Happy birthday, dear Dasani...

Yes! I love it when kids roll the neat trait!

Hmm...not bad. I don't think I have to do much here.

Misty: So, I was watching your video channel...thing...

Erica: ...Yeah....

Misty: I'm impressed!

Erica: You...you are?

Misty: Yes! You two come across as...I don't know, so real! Say, I was thinking...do you think you could maybe talk up my campaign in your next video? 

Erica: Well, the thing is...we've kind of got the next few ones planned out...

Misty: Well, that's no problem...re-election season isn't for a little while yet.

You know, I think I'll let you two hammer out the details of this little deal. I've got to be moving on. I'll see you guys next round!

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: One more house to go in the round! You may have noticed that this house is still referred to in-game as "Palmer"-I need to remember to change that. I don't exactly know where I'm going with the whole Palmer sibling thing. We'll see what happens in round 20...but seeing as how the last house in the round belongs to Clam and Lily, let's see how they feel about the constant babysitting.