Saturday, September 12, 2020

Hannon 1: Round 21

Welcome, one and all, to the first post of round 21! As always, we begin with the Hannon family. Last round was a sad one for the Hannons, as both Betta's parents, Mikel and Tetra, passed away from old age. This left Betta in charge of the family bakery while still trying to raise her son, Pike. As if that wasn't enough, Betta soon found herself pregnant again and gave birth to a second son, Carp.

Hi, guys!

Betta: Hi, mysterious voice. there a reason we're eating breakfast in our winter coats? Wouldn't you be more comfortable if you took off a few layers?

...Not exactly what I meant...

Well, there's one event for this week...let's check out what else is going on.

Ok, not a whole lot...

And at least I'll be able to see everybody's face if neighbors drop by.

Speaking of... know, a simple "hello" would have been fine...

Betta: So let me get this want our garbage?

Knox: Yeah...can I come in?

Betta: Ugh...yeah, sure. I guess...

I mean, I guess I can ignore the mild insults if he takes the trash away...

Jimmy: Whatcha doin' there, buddy?

Carp: I'm playing on the computer like you, Daddy...

Jimmy: (laughs) I'm not playing, little guy...I'm working on making a new app.

Really? I didn't know you were into coding.

Jimmy: Oh, yeah...I was totally going to go into the tech career before we inherited the bakery.

You still can, you know..

Jimmy: Eh...maybe someday....

Pike: Yes!


Oh, actually made friends with Marvin. That almost never happens.

Maybe he can find some eggs under the bed?

Jimmy: Here you go, buddy. Now eat up and we'll go look for eggs before the Flower Bunny gets here!

Something tells me that Carp isn't exactly impressed with the Flower Bunny...

Betta: Hey, stranger!

Clam: Hey! Thought I'd check the old place out. It looks great in here. I can't remember ever seeing it this busy.

Betta: I know. I can barely keep everything stocked. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have Jimmy helping out front.

Jimmy: It was nice to see Clam today...

Betta: It really was. You know, I kind of miss the old days when we all used to work in the bakery together.

Jimmy: Well, you know..maybe he'd like to help out again.

Betta: I think he's a little old to help in a bakery for free.

Jimmy: Not for free...I mean, what if we...hire him?

Betta:  Well, what would he do? Dad never taught him to bake...

Looks like we'll have to table this discussion for later. It's baby time!

And it looks like we're going with a home birth...

It's a girl! Welcome, Arowana...

Aww, she's cute...

And I see we had a new outfit all ready for her...

Glad to see you're still making time for the boys...

Betta: It's not like I have much of a choice...

Carp: Fly, Mama! Fly!

What do you think of your new sister, Carp?

Carp: Uh...she's kind of boring...

Blaine: Hey, I heard your mom had the baby...

Pike: was a girl...

Blaine: (sigh) Sorry, dude...little sisters are so annoying.

Pike: I already had a little brother...

Blaine: Yeah, but little sisters are even worse...

Carp: Daddy! Play now!

Jimmy: In a little bit, Carp...I'm helping Pike with his homework.

Carp: No! Now! Now! Now!

Jimmy: (sigh) If you don't behave, you won't get any birthday cake later...

Birthday cake? 

Oh, I see...

Oh...that's new.

I didn't know that could happen...or that Jimmy was friends with Nanny Faith.

Faith; You know, I do have a life outside of work...

Jimmy: Oh...thanks. I guess we can put it in one of the boys' rooms...

Well, now that presents are out of the way...Happy birthday, dear Jimmy...

And it looks like that's not the only birthday around here...

Happy birthday, dear Arowana...

She is the baby of the family, so clingy seems appropriate.

I think we'll need a new outfit, though.

There we go...much better.

Carp: Hey! What are you doing?

Arowana: Play game!

Carp: That's mine! Mine! 

Oh, come on, Carp...let's try and share...

Besides, it looks like you won't be needing that thing for much longer. Happy birthday, dear Carp...

Huh...from Fussy to Cheerful. That's quite a switch.

And I actually kind of like the hairstyle. The outfits still need work though...

Carp: Hey, Mom left all her baking stuff on the counter...wanna go have a flour fight?

Pike: Um...won't we get in trouble for that?

Carp: No, we won't...because we'll say she did it!

Ok, I think it's just about time for me to be on my way. Try and stay out of trouble, boys, and I'll see you next round. 

 A Message From the Mysterious Voice: And Round 21 begins! Kind of anti-climatic after the Battu trip, I know. I actually didn't get to spend much time at the bakery this round; I felt kind of bad making Betta bake non-stop while she was pregnant. Arowana is really a cutie; it will be interesting to see what she looks like when she grows up. 

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Round 20 Scorecard


Sims Added By Birth:

Carp Hannon
Madagascar Bernard
Panic Howard
Surprise Howard
Lilac Palmer
Lavender Palmer
Mandolin Flenderson
Topaz Doe
Clorox Kauker
Storm Palmer

Sims Added By Marriage/Move-In:

Kayla Flemming

In Memoriam:

Tetra Hannon
Mikel Hatfield
Bermuda Bernard
Croix Bernard
Arcanine Flenderson (Pet Death)

New Naming Themes: 

Kauker 3: Cleaning Products

Town Census:

Total Population: 146 Sims

High School Enrollment:  29

Elementary School Enrollment: 28

Toddler Play Group Enrollment: 14