Last round, twins Hermes and Athena were preparing to graduate from high school. Soon afterwards, Athena got engaged to Cyprus Bernard, while Hermes got engaged to Hope Howard and moved out. Meanwhile, Nemo and Adrianna progressed in their respective careers.
Um, hey guys...
Cyprus: Hi, mysterious voice!
...I really hope you two are on your way upstairs to change clothes because...someone here is dressed wrong.
Athena: As a matter of fact, we were...
That's not what I meant!
Wait...shouldn't we have had a wedding first?
Athena: What's the rush? We can always do it later.
Adrianna: Huh...
Adrianna: I just got an e-mail from my publisher...I guess the last book I wrote is nominated for some kind of an award...
Man, this has been a good round for you guys. First Amethyst winning the lottery and now this?
Looks like we'd better head over there, though. The ceremony is tonight.
Don't people usually dress up for award ceremonies?
Adrianna: How was I supposed to know? This is my first one!
Well, too late for a wardrobe change now...
Adrianna: Wait...I have to make a speech?
Well, only if you win..., have to make a speech.
Adrianna: Um...thanks...for the what am I supposed to say?
Well, you could wish everyone a happy new year...
Nemo: To my award-winning wife...
Adrianna: I just hope no one was recording that speech...
Nemo: Well, now you'll know for next time to have something prepared.
Looks like that's not the only reason to celebrate.
Nemo: Wow, the picture on this TV is fantastic...
...It's the same TV from your old living room, Nemo...
Nemo: It is?
Adrianna: Nemo, you're not an elder yet.
I guess we're doing a family dinner instead of a this just the official birthday restaurant for the town now?
Cyprus: It's the only place with a table big enough for all of us...I just wish it wasn't outside, though.
Buzz: So, you two almost ready for the big arrival?
Athena: As ready as we'll ever be, I guess...
Cyprus: We've been trying to decide on a name...
Merida: You might want to pick more than one. I don't know if Nemo mentioned it, but multiples run in our family.
I don't know if one set of triplets and one set of twins really counts as "running in the family"...oh, look. Here comes the waiter with the birthday cake.
Happy birthday, dear Nemo...
Nemo: Ow! My back!
Looks like Nemo's not the only one in pain...
And I see we're going with a home birth for this one.
It's a girl! Welcome, Hera!
...oh, make that two girls! Welcome, Hestia! I guess Aunt Merida was right.
She sure seems to bee taking after her dad so far.
Athena: They both do...
Congratulations, Adrianna. I guess winning that award helped your reputation a bit, huh?
Adrianna: Yeah...they've started putting this sticker on the front cover of all my books. I didn't think it would help, but I guess it did.
And I see we're color-coding the nurseries...
Cyprus: It's the only way we can tell them apart. They both look pretty much identical right now.
So, I forgot to ask you guys...what have you two been doing for work?
Cyprus: Oh, I'm doing the freelance thing too. Programming.
Oh, good. Taking after your dad, I see.
Cyprus: Well, I couldn't help but pick up some's all he ever talked about.
Man, another promotion...this really is a good round for you guys...
Maybe you should celebrate by baking some birthday cake....
Happy birthday, dear Hera...
Huh, clingy seems to be coming up a lot this round.
And I guess she's taking after her grandpa and his love for the kitchen. (I really have to remember to take that thing out...)
Happy birthday, dear Hestia...
Man, clingy/wild twin combos are just the thing this round...
And they're still pretty much identical...great.
I guess the color-coding is still very necessary.
Hera: Grandpa? Can we go outside?
Nemo: Well, I don't's pretty cold out there...
Hera: Please? We can build a snowman!
Nemo, please take her before she starts singing...
Well, as much as I hate to leave all this family fun, I really should be moving on to the next house. I'll see you guys next round!
A Message From the Mysterious Voice: Yup, another set of twins! I really haven't been able to find a clear answer on whether twins in TS4 are genetic, but the Palmers seem to be providing really good evidence that they are. And yes, just like Claritin and Allegra these two are pretty much identical to the point where I have to color-code their outfits and bedrooms. (About the random wooden spoon that Hera aged up with-that's actually an accessory for a pose pack I've never used. I really need remember to clean out my CC every now and then.) And we had our first Starlight Accolade winner too! Between that and Amethyst's lottery win, it's been a really good round so far.
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