Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Palmer 1: Round 20

Last round, Flick and Hank Palmer made their first forays into the dating world. Hank struck up a relationship with Sprite Lytle, while Flick took a shine to Sunshine Flenderson. Meanwhile, Eve and Merida continued to advance in the comedy career, and the entire family tried to keep Rocket the raccoon off the dinner table.

Speaking of which...hey, guys!

Brett: Oh, hey mysterious voice.

Anything going on around here?

Josiah: Nothing major. We've just got some errands planned for today.

Um...do these plans include a vet visit for Rocket?

Josiah: For the adults, yes. The kids are hanging out at the flea market with their cousins...

Not just with their cousins, I see...

Flick: Shh...this is the only way I could sneak a date in today.

Well, hurry up. We have a birthday to attend to.

And a holiday, apparently.

Dory: This is so cool! The Flower Bunny gets to be at my birthday!

Merida: Remember to save room for cake, everyone...

Everyone: (groans)

Well, even if no one eats it we should still blow out the candles. Happy birthday, dear Dory...

I guess that makes sense with all the scouting...

Huh, not bad...

Flick: Oh, yes! 


Oh, I see. Mind if I tag along?

Flick: Do I really have a choice?

No, not really...

This...doesn't look like the Salty Paws Saloon...

Flick: Yeah, we kind of had a change of heart...well, Sunshine did...

Sunshine: Aww, come on, Flick...it's so much more romantic here, don't you think?

Flick: I guess...

I have to admit, the bonfire does add to the atmosphere...

And it seems to have worked.

Ok, well, I'll just head back home then...

You guys are still keeping up this garden?

Eve: We're trying...the biggest challenge seems to be finding something to do with all the flowers.

Looks like Brett's found a way. Wouldn't have taken you for a florist, Brett...

Brett: Now how would you know? You barely talk to me at all...or Josiah, for that matter. You know, he was just telling me about down at the lab today...

Um...sorry, Brett...we have a raccoon near a stove. I think that needs to take priority right now.

Besides, I think I just figured out the end of the story.

Oh, hey Sprite...

Hank: You about ready?

Sprite: Yup! Let me just change real quick and then I'll be ready to go...

Ready to go where?

Oh, I see. We're doing a double date.

Sunshine: Not just a double date...

Ah, a double birthday dinner. Well, then...

Happy Birthday, dear Flick...

Ok, that's an odd combo but it can work.

Happy birthday dear Hank...

Oh...we haven't seen the "bro" trait yet. This should be interesting. Ok, well, now that you're both young adults...

Oh, sorry...I guess we weren't done.

I think she said yes!

Hank: You're getting a new mommy, buddy!

So I take it that Rocket is moving out with you?

Hank: Of course! As soon as we can actually have a wedding.

Ok, well, with two new young adults I think it's just about time for me to be moving on...

Oh, hold that thought...

Well, let's hope the move isn't too much for her now. Ok, now I'm moving on. I'll catch up with you guys next round.

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: Yup, another Grimmy-free lot! I had a bit of a hard time actually playing through this one due to some outdated mod issues (hence why Sunshine's invite was to a bar in Brindleton Bay and they ended up in Sulani.) And I know I tend to ignore Brett and Josiah. Maybe once Flick and Hank move out I'll have more time to spend with them.

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