Saturday, September 5, 2020

Palmer 7: Round 20


Last round, Clam and Lily moved into their new home and quickly found themselves expecting their first child...which actually turned out to be their first two children when Lily gave birth to twin girls, Sparrow and Raven. To celebrate, the family hosted HarvestFest dinner. Meanwhile, Lily struggled to find a way to get herself relieved from babysitting duty for her sister, Rose.

Morning, Clam!

Clam: Hi, mysterious voice.

How's everything going around here?

Clam: Fine, I guess...

Raven: Mama, what's New Year's?

Lily: It's when grown-ups stay up really late to watch the year change.

Raven: I wanna stay up too!

Lily: No, honey. You and your sister have to go to bed. But I promise, you're not missing much. Mommy and Daddy are just going to watch it on TV.

Lily: It's not like we can do much else. We have twin toddlers. As it is, we're going to have to watch the countdown with the volume down.

Oh, goody...Rose is coming over. I can't imagine why...

Lily: Rose! It's so nice to see you...well, most of you...

Rose: Yeah, nice to see you too. Hey, can you tell me what is up with this bag thing?

Lily: Wish I's just what people voted for.

Rose: Man, you and Thistle moved to a strange neighborhood.

Rose: any plans for New Years?

Lily: Not really. We're probably just going to watch the countdown here...what about you?

Rose: Oh, me and some friends are going to a nightclub in the city...

Lily: Oh...listen, Rose, we really...

Rose: Oh, don't worry. I'm not asking you guys to baby-sit. I've got this nanny now, she's fantastic!

Lily: Oh...great. Well, have fun, then...

But not too much fun. I don't want any surprises when I get to your house.

Now, about that countdown...

Clam & Lily: 10...9...8...

Um, guys? Typically it's easier to see the countdown if you're standing in front of the TV...

Aw, she gave Sparrow a New Year's hug! Usually the couples go with the kiss option...

Ah, there we go...

Clam: How's the fruit salad, Raven?

Fruit salad?

Clam: Yeah, I'm trying to lose weight as  my New Year's Resolution. I figured it was a better breakfast than pancakes every day.

Raven: It's pretty!

Clam: Honey, you know you're supposed to eat the fruit, right? Not throw it everywhere?

Clam: And then the dinosaur said...(yawn)...

Raven: The dinosaur must be tired.

Actually, I think it's Daddy that's tired...

Well, I've got to hand it to you are the champions.

Lily: At what? Making lunch?

No, at actually getting your toddlers to eat in a high chair.

Lily: Thistle...why are you wearing that?

Thistle: You should see the looks I get when I leave the house without it.

...You live across the street. How many people could you possibly run into between there and here?

Looks like Clam's got his own personal cheerleading squad for his workouts...

Raven: Go Daddy, go!

Let's hope they're still as supportive as children.

Please tell me we're not having another bag party here...

Lily: No, we're going to the arcade.

The arcade? For toddlers?

Lily: Well, it's still too cold for the park.

Yeah, I guess relatives freezing to death doesn't make for a very happy birthday.

Lucas: Hey, there are the birthday girls!

Raven: Uncle Lucas! You got old!

Gotta love that toddler honesty...

Betta: Happy birthday, Sparrow!

Sparrow: Thanks, Aunt Betta...

Iris: Lav, where are you going?

Lavendar: I want cake!

Iris: No cake until Raven and Sparrow blow out their candles...

Ok, we'd better get this show on the road here. I don't know how long Iris can run interference. Happy Birthday, dear Sparrow...

Another new trait...Recycle Desciple. That should be interesting...

Not bad...

One down, one to go. Happy birthday, dear Raven...

And we've got another dog lover...

...The outfit isn't bad, but I think the hat needs to go.

There we go. Very nice. Now, I've got to be on my the last house in Round 20!

See you guys next round!

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: One more lot to go! Honestly, the most eventful thing to happen in this house is that I think I finally mastered how to get toddlers to actually eat in their high chairs. The trick seems to be to make sure there is already food on the tray before you put the toddler in the chair; I did this by having one of the parents use the "pick up serving" interaction and then dragging the serving to the tray. Then, as the adult is lowering them in, click on the toddler and tell them to eat the food on the tray. (You want the eating action to come after the "be placed in chair" one.) The toddler should start eating immediately after they are set down, which will keep the parents from taking them out again. Was this way too much work when they could have just eaten on the floor? Yup! But I'm still glad I figured it out.

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