Last round, Addison and Ryan adjusted to their only daughter Azalea entering her teen years. Azalea's chosen aspiration kept her at the town gym, while Addison continued to maintain the family garden alone. Meanwhile, Ryan continued to progress at the science lab, despite a few mistakes with his transform ray.
Hi, Azalea...who are your friends?
Azalea: Oh, these are my workout buddies.
Workout buddies?
Azalea: Yeah. It got boring hanging out at the gym alone.
I see. Where are your parents?
Azalea: Back at home, I guess. We came right from school.
Ryan: I'm not so sure about these new friends...
Addison: You worry too much. She's going to the gym, not to a nightclub.
Ryan: (sigh) I'm going to go feed the...whatever that thing is in the backyard.
Addison: Be careful...
Ryan: Oh, relax. I'm fine. I think he's just playing.
Somehow I doubt that.
Ryan: Oh, hi there Madison. What brings you around the lab?
Madison: Hey Ryan. was just kind of in the neighborhood.
Ryan: Well, you may not want to hang around long. My supervisor said there may be aliens around.
Madison: Aliens?
Ryan: Yeah. I haven't seen any yet, though. I don't think he knows what he's talking about.
Isn't your supervisor your brother?
Ryan: No, they took me off of Noah's team. Something about nepotism. Anyway, just keep an eye out.
Ryan: So, I was thinking...why don't you bring your new friends over here?
Azalea: Dad!
Ryan: What?
Azalea: Dad, we're a fitness club...we barely have space for a yoga mat with all the plants!
Ryan: Gardening can be a workout! Just ask your mother.
So I see you didn't take your father up on the offer.
Azalea: No...somehow I don't think gardening is actually a substitute for working out.
Like treading water while gossiping?
Azalea: What? We're just warming up.
Warming up in more ways than one, I see. Something tells me your dad isn't going to like this.
Although it seems he has bigger problems at the moment...
Ryan: Sorry, sorry...false alarm...
Um, Ryan? Is there something going on at this lab I should know about?
Ryan: No...I tried to make a new serum today. That's all.
Uh-huh...what kind?
Ryan: Ghost Goo...
Luckily Grimmy doesn't seem to be too upset about the false alarm.
Well, it looks like you two are sure hitting it off. Where's the rest of the club?
Azalea: I just invited Silas.
Azalea: you want to stick around for the party?
Already? Ok...Happy birthday, dear Azalea...
Looks like it's Silas's turn now...guess that's why Azalea invited him.
Congrats, Silas.
Silas: you are.
Well that escalated quickly...
Pardon my interruption, but don't you think you should, I don't know...tell your parents about him before he moves into the house?
Azalea: Hmm...maybe...
Or, you know, that works too. Whatever...
Silas: Azalea, will you marry me?
Again...I think maybe you should at least meet her parents before...
Or not. What do I know? I'm just the mysterious voice...
Well, looks like we get to end the week with a wedding.
Aruba: I can't believe you're getting married!
Azalea: I know, right? It's crazy!
Silas: Um, sure, I, this isn't a good time for a gathering. I'm kind of in the middle of my wedding here...
Really? In a tent in the park? During the wedding?
Azalea: What? We're just taking a nap!
Uh-huh...that must have been some nap. Look, I need to move on to the next lot, but I'll see you guys next round. Try to slow it down a bit, would you?
A Message From the Mysterious Voice: Wow, this post took a long time. I've actually had this one in progress for quite awhile, but for some reason it took me forever to write. And don't worry, Addison and Ryan actually did meet Silas before he moved in. They were at the wedding and everything. I don't know why I didn't get them in any of the pictures, but I played this lot quite awhile ago. Silas actually has the gardener aspiration too, so he could prove to be useful.
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