Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Bernard 2: Round 18

Last round, the Bernard family was dealing with the ups and downs of raising toddler triplets. The addition of laundry to their list of chores didn't do much to lessen the load, nor did Grandpa Salmon passing away from old age. The latter pushed Leia to finally confront her brother Luke about his career choice, and by the end of the week both she and her mother Jamaica had finally reconciled, just in time for the triplets to grow into children.

Hey, kids...

Rey: Hi, mysterious voice...

What's going on around here these days?

Padme: We're throwing a big party for New Year's!

Ah...I see...

And it looks like you guys don't have much time left to get ready...

Pine: Emerald! You know, the party's not until tomorrow...

Emerald: Yeah, I know. I was just in the neighborhood...

Of course you were. You live 3 houses away...

Don't tell me you guys haven't fixed the dryer yet...

Pine: No, it's fixed. But I just like how everything smells when it dries outside...

Pine, you do know what happens to water in the winter, right?

And the big day has arrived...

Whoa! That's...quite an increase from last week!

So, I guess your resolution involves making enough money for those bills?

Leia: Well, yeah! I don't get it...our bills have never been more than 3,000 Simoleons at the most. And it's not like we've added on to the house...

I guess that thermostat really comes at a premium...

Leia: Wait...that's why? That thing is going off!

What about the cold?

Leia: Oh, come on...how cold can it get in here?

Rey: Padme, the party hasn't even started yet...

No, but it will soon....

I think having her toddler nephew here in shorts might throw a wrench in Leia's plan...

And speaking of inappropriate attire...

Unicorn: Mommy, maybe we should stop dressing like pirates at every party...

She said it, I didn't...

Celestial: This punch is so good...

Eclipse: It's the same stuff they always have at parties...

Tempera: I can't wait until I'm big and I can have the grown-up drinks my dad makes...

Ok, well, this conversation is going in a weird direction...

All right...resolution time...

Jamaica's is easy enough...

So is Pine's...

And apparently it's just going to be promotion central around here this week...

Leia: The bills, remember?

And at least the triplets' are all the same...

Tempera: Hey, guys! It's almost time...

Everyone: 3...2...1...Happy New Year!

Pretty good considering half of you can't even see the TV screen...

Well, that didn't take long...


Leia: Thanks...

Um...isn't your laundry already dry?

Leia: Yes...but I didn't get here in time to unload it while it was still warm. So I'm running it through again.

That's one way to avoid heating your house...

Rey: Grandma, I'm cold...

Jamaica: Well, come here and dance with us...it'll warm you right up...

Finn: Grandma, you're the coolest grandma ever...

Rey: Yeah. I hope you can live with us forever....

Jamaica: Well, I don't know about that...but I think I've got a few more years left in me...

(sigh) You know, I really wouldn't tempt fate if I were you, Jamaica...

Yup...right on cue...

I can't say I'm surprised...she's been on borrowed time for awhile...

Padme: Grandma?

Finn: Grandma, get up!

Kids, you may want to go inside for this...

Goodbye, Jamaica...

Aww, Rey...

Rey: I miss Grandma...wait, what was that?

What was what?

Rey: I think I heard something under the porch...

Rey: Huh?

Looks like you guys have some unexpected roommates...

Rey: Aww...you're so cute...do you think Mom will let me keep it?

Well, I don't know...but I do know that kittens typically come in litters, so you may want to take another look...

Rey: Wow! There's 3 of them!

Finn: Rey, what are you doing out....hey, cool! Kittens! Padme! Come outside, quick!

Padme: There's 3 of them! Just like there's 3 of us!

Funny how these things work out...

Leia: Kids, what are you doing outside? It's freezing out here!

Finn: Mom, come see?

Padme: We found kittens! Can we keep them, Mom?

Rey: Please?

Leia: Well...ok, I guess we can give it a try...

And on that note, I think it's time for me to be moving on. You guys get the kittens settled in, and I'll see you guys next round!

A Message from the Mysterious Voice: And the droid kittens are finally home! So, a bit of background information. I made these kittens right after Cats and Dogs was released. I was planning on having the triplets "find" them last round, but Jamaica held on for another full week. (She actually almost held on for 2. She didn't die of old age until the very last night of the week, hence why all the screenshots of the kids meeting the kittens are at night.) I'm not the best at using CAS, but I really like how the kittens came out. And I also learned something very important on this lot: wait to turn on the thermostat until after the bills come in! Luckily Leia's a painter, so she was able to make up that money pretty quick.

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