Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Bernard 5: Round 19

Last round, Alderaan discovered a new side effect to her career in music when she began to gain fame. Surprisingly, her husband Thunder did too-from programming. Meanwhile, both Chimney and Balcony continued to advance in Scouts.

Hi there, Alderaan!

Alderaan: Oh, hi mysterious voice.

Still at it, I see...

Alderaan: I'm just practicing for tomorrow night.

What's tomorrow night?

Alderaan: It's New Years. Somehow Thunder talked me into providing music at the party...

Looks like it's not just New Year's...

Chimney: This is so cool! Dad, can I blow out my candles at midnight?

I think you might miss your chance if you wait that long...

Um, Balcony? You do know you have a desk inside the house, right?

Balcony: It's too loud in there...

I guess a birthday party isn't the best place to study...

Especially when Alderaan is providing the soundtrack.

Tatooine: Mom, you know you don't have to sit with us the whole time, right? 

Corellia: I know, I know. I just...wanted to spend some time with my favorite nephew on his birthday, that's all.

Speaking of which, we should probably get this show on the road. Happy birthday, dear Chimney...

Ok, Master Chef is do-able...

And he didn't grow up with an awful hairstyle...

Balcony: Mom, can we please go to the beach tomorrow?

Thunder: The beach?

Alderaan: Balcony, it's the middle of winter...

Balcony: But it's always warm there! Please....

Alderaan: Well, tomorrow is Packing Day...I don't know what else you two are going to do with no school...

Balcony: Yes!

Thunder: That's it...you're a pretty good swimmer!

Yeah...even though it is kind of hard to tell where the water ends and you begin...

Man, I need to get Alderaan a new swimsuit...

Oh, a bonfire...what are we celebrating?

Alderaan: I'm not sure, but I can't remember the last time I played in public and wasn't the center of attention. This is great...

What's wrong?

Chimney: I think something...touched my leg in there.

Oh...I guess not everyone likes the ocean.

Tate: Hello...I think you may have spent too much time in the water...you turned the color of the ocean.

Balcony: Oh...no, I always look like this.

Tate: Really? I've never met anyone the color of the sea before.

Balcony: Really? But there's a bunch of kids this color at school...there's me, and Dragon, and Flick, and...

Tate: My family just moved here. I haven't been to school yet.

Huh...I'm going to have to remember to keep Tate around. This could work out.

How did you get promoted on a holiday?

Thunder: I'm not sure...but I'm not questioning it.

Thunder: That beach day was a great idea...we should go back at the end of the week for Balcony's birthday.

Chimney: No...I mean, are you sure we should do the beach again? I mean, we were just there the other day...

Thunder: I know, but did you see how much fun your sister was having?

Balcony: Why not?

Chimney: Because...it's gonna rain. Like, all day. The weather channel said so.

Balcony: That's not what the weather channel said...

Chimney: Well, that's because you were watching the channel for here...it's gonna rain at the beach.

Balcony: Well, I wanna go anyway.

I mean, sometimes weather forecasts can be wrong...

And if they're not, I guess a beachside restaurant will have to do...

Chimney: I can't believe it actually rained...

Thunder: What was that?

Chimney: Oh, um...I said, let's bring out the cake...

Happy birthday, dear Balcony...

Again with the cat lover...at least the aspiration matches.

Huh, not bad.

Balcony: Thanks, I guess...

Aww, look at you two all grown up...

And I guess we're not wasting any time on the romance front...

Balcony: Ok, so, is there a reason you dragged me out here in the freezing cold?

Libra: Oh, come on. We're in high school now! Let's have a little fun...

Balcony: Libra, this place is filled with old people in weird outfits.

Libra: Not all of them are old...

No, Balcony's right. I don't think I've seen one young adult, let alone another teenager.

Libra: All right, all right...but what about at school?

She hasn't even gone to high school yet, Libra.

Balcony: Besides...I don't think he'll...oops...

Libra: Ha! I knew it! Come on, who is it?

Balcony: No one! I swear....

Well, as much as I hate to leave this thrilling gossip session, I have to be on my way. I'll catch up with you guys next round.

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: Everyone is growing up too fast around here! I can't believe Balcony's already a teenager. I'm actually glad Island Living added some new pre-made kids, because there's way more girls than boys around town right now. And I also can thank Island Living for reminding me how little attention I pay to Sims' swimsuits. 

1 comment:

  1. Ha love everybody's names. Very original! Looks like a lot of fun, you have been playing this family for a long time!
