Last round, the Bernard family expanded by one more with the addition of a second daughter, Paris. Meanwhile, Han dabbled in vlogging when he purchased a drone and used it to document the family's Harvestfest preparations.
Hi, Han!
Han: Oh, hi Mysterious Voice.
Back to painting?
Han: Yeah...the drone broke.
Somehow I don't think the rest of the family is too upset about that.
You guys doing anything big for Egg Fest?
Han: Not really. We've got a lot going on this week as it is.
I can see looks like we've got a couple of birthdays coming up.
Madrid: Remember, don't sit next to me at the meeting...
What meeting?
Oh, I see. Add one to the Scout team...
Madrid: That's right! You did it!
What did she do?
Madrid: She spelled her name with the blocks!
Really? I can't see any letters on those things.
Madrid: Well, that's because you're like, really far me, they have letters.
If you say so...
Madrid: OW! Go away, you stupid bees...
You know, maybe it wasn't the best idea to put the beehive right next to the pool...
Let's just hope they don't follow Han to play group...
Hey, would you look at that. The sand pit is actually a sand pit now!
Paris: Uncle Luke! You look funny...
That's because I keep forgetting to change his cold weather outfit.
Lori: How was play group, honey?
Paris: Too cold...
Han: I don't understand how it can be freezing at the park and warm enough to swim here...
Lori: Well, tomorrow we're going somewhere where it's even hotter than here.
Birthday at the beach?
Lori: Yeah...I've heard great things...
Well, let's get going, then.
Madrid: I'm gonna swim all the way to the other island...
Toronto: I bet I can get there first!
Lori: Hold on, guys...what about Paris?
I think Paris will be fine on her own...
Ok, let's get this show on the road...Happy birthday, dear Madrid...
Ok, that kind of works...
Not bad...and now that you're all styled up do you know what time it is?
Madrid: Um...time to eat the cake?
It's cousin photo time!
(Although I'm sincerely questioning why so many of you wore jeans and sweaters to the beach...)
And I see Paris is enjoying being the only toddler left in the family...
Although not for much longer, it looks like.
Paris: Daddy, where's my bed?
Han: Well, you're growing into a big girl tonight, so you have a big-girl room now. Do you like it?
Paris: It's pretty...
Well we'd better get this show on the road so she'll have a place to sleep. Happy birthday, dear Paris...
Ok, I'll take, just one more thing before I go...
There we are. Man, you guys all grew up fast. Do me a favor and try to put the breaks on it until next round!
A Message From the Mysterious Voice: Like I said, everyone is growing up way too fast. I also learned on this lot that having a birthday party on the beach doesn't exactly work...although that could be because the "party anywhere" mod that I use needs an update. I also need to give another look to the town holidays; initially I made them to resemble holidays in the real world but some of them just don't translate to interesting screenshots-hence why we didn't see any of Egg Fest.
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