Thursday, January 19, 2023

Flenderson 4: Round 21


Last round, Erica and Thistle managed to celebrate Winterfest with their daughters, Dasani and Aquafina, while adjusting to their new neighborhood policy of wearing bags over their heads. The bags actually gave Dasani the confidence to start making videos like her parents. By the end of the week, Aquafina had grown to a child and joined her sister in school.

Hi, guys!

Thistle: Oh, hi mysterious voice...

What's going on around here?

Thistle: Oh, you know...just giving our budding doctor some moral support...Yay! You saved the baby!

Aquafina: I was just giving him a checkup, Dad...

Oh, while we're on the subject of babies...

Dasani: Aquafina! Come race me in the pool! 

Aquafina: Ok!

Dasani: I'm gonna splash you!

Aquafina: You'll have to catch me first!

Dasani: Mom, is it time to go yet?

Time to go where?

Dasani: We're having Campfire Night in the park! We're going to set up a blanket and watch a movie outside!

Oh, very cool.

(sigh) At this point, I'm just glad she's asking another adult...

Dasani: Isn't it hot with that on your head?

Basket: Eh, not really...

Ok, Basket, I just spent a whole week at your house...why weren't you wearing the bag then?

Oh, hi Rose...

Thistle: Huh? Oh, that's the mysterious voice. What? Oh, yeah. Sure. Go for it...

Um, Thistle? Do you know this person?

Thistle: No, but...she's going to ask him out anyway. Why make it an argument?

Huh, good point.

Wow, this does look like a fun party...

Dasani: This is my favorite movie ever!

Iris: How can you tell? It's all blurry because it's on a sheet. And I can barely hear it.

I guess watching a movie outside isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Thistle: So, you survived...

Erica: Somehow, yes...I thought doing it in the park would be easier.

Thistle: You had 8 kids with you. Nothing would make that easier.

Erica: I guess. So, what do you want to do for tomorrow night?

Thistle: I was hoping you wouldn't remember...

What's tomorrow night?

Oh, I see...

Erica: Hi, guys! Welcome back to the channel. If you're wondering why I'm so dressed up, it's because it's a very special night for our family! My wonderful husband, Thistle, is celebrating a birthday today, so we're going to be getting all dressed up and going out for a very special dinner! Be sure to check our Simstagram because I'm sure we'll be sharing some photos...

Um, shouldn't the person celebrating the birthday be in the pictures?

Erica: Just a few more...then we'll switch out...

(sigh) Well, I guess we can still go out to eat anyway.

Sorry we couldn't get here before you aged up, Thistle.

Thistle: Eh, it's ok, I guess. Now we don't have to pay for the cake.

Aquafina: But...we can have cake anyway, right?

Thistle: Sure, honey...

Something tells me this is the real birthday activity Thistle wanted...

Thistle: Goodnight, sweetie...

So you're not too bummed about the missed birthday?

Thistle: Not really. It would have ended the same way regardless, you know?

Ok...we're going to table that one until we get back to Corellia's house.

And it looks like we have one more birthday...

Um, guys? Remember what happened the last time we did a photo shoot right before a birthday dinner?

Erica: What kind of birthday cake do you want, sweetie?

Dasani: Strawberry!

Happy birthday, dear Dasani...

Huh...ok, I can work with that.

But I think a trip to the mirror is definitely in order.

There we go...much better.

Erica: Yup, that's...great, honey....(whispers) Is this what I used to sound like?

Pretty much...but don't worry. If she takes after you, I'm sure she'll sound great by the time I get back...

Erica: So does that mean you're heading out?


Erica: Hey, before you go, I had a question about this meeting...

There won't be food.

Erica: Aw, come on...

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: One more house to go before the meeting! I actually really like the backyard camping kit; it made the Campfire Night party really cute. (I'm kind of indifferent to the kits in general, but some of them do have some cute stuff.) And I was very annoyed with myself that I missed Thistle's birthday by such a narrow margin...we were so close!

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