Thursday, November 16, 2017

Palmer 1: Round 17

Last round, Merida Palmer found herself pregnant for the second time. Unfortunately, that baby put the household at the 8-member limit, which meant that her sister Eve couldn't follow suit. Merida soon gave birth to a daughter named Dory. Meanwhile, their sons Flick and Hank grew from toddlers to children, Josiah continued to advance in the science career, and Madison showed a considerable amount of longevity by lasting through another full week.

Hi, there a reason you're eating cake at 5AM?

Madison: It's a special day...

Oh, I see...well, let's head up there and...

Or that works too...

Madison: Sorry, we've been really anxious to get the baby stage over with.

Aww, she got her mom's hair...but a new outfit is definitely in order.

Much better...

Hank: What was that?

What was what? I don't see anything...

Hank: I thought it might have been one of those...furry things everybody's been talking about. You heard about the furry things, right?

Yes...yes I did.

Hank: I really want one...

Well, unfortunately I don't think that's going to happen right now.

Hank: Why not?

The same reason Flick can't have a sister. Your house is full...

Hank: Aww, man...

Madison: Hank...did you finish your homework yet?

Hank: (sigh) Yes, Grandma...

Madison: Good. Because I need you to help clean up all these dishes that are everywhere.

Hank: Why can't Flick do it?

Madison: Flick is doing it already. And if you both would put your dishes in the dishwasher after you ate, neither of you would have to do it at all...

Josiah: Are you excited to go and make some friends today?

First day of play group?

Josiah: Yup. Brett's taking her right after I leave for work.

Ah, I see. So we're off to the park, huh?

Josiah: Actually, no....


Josiah: Apparently this play group thing has caught on so much now that the city actually put up a building for it. 

Like a daycare center?

Josiah: Sort of. Anyway, we went the other day to check it out. It's nice.

Well this seems to be going pretty well so far...

What are you doing?

Dory: Nothing...

Yeah, I know that look. That's not a "nothing" expression...

Madison: I just found her trying to climb out of the window...

Eve: Dory...

Dory: Outside...I sawed something!

Eve: Oh? What did you see?

Dory: It was fuzzy...and it had a stripey tail..and it was all jumped into the garbage!

Eve: Oh, Dory, you're so silly...

Hank: I don't care what she says. I'm going to get one of those furry things anyway.

Flick: But where is is going to live? 

Hank: Outside...if it doesn't live in the house, than it doesn't break the rule.

Flick: I don't think that's how that works...

Madison: Dory, honey, leave Hank alone...

Has she been breaking in here a lot?

Madison: Yes...we have to constantly pull her out of here when Hank's at school. I guess it's sweet that 


I can't really be surprised...she held on for a good long time...

And of course this is happening in the tiniest room in the house...

Goodbye, Madison...

I'm so sorry, guys...

Hank: Stupid garbage...

What's wrong?

Hank: Something knocked the stupid trash can over last night and Dad's making me  clean it up! Why do I have to do it? It's not my...huh? What's that thing?

I think you may have just found who's fault it is...

Hank: Aww...were you trying to get in our garbage...hey, wait a that Grandma's gone...I can keep you in the house!

Hank, wait a minute...

Hank: You said the reason we couldn't have a furry thing was because the house was full. Now the house isn't full, so I'm keeping this one!

Yes, but it's just that this particular furry thing...

Hank: I'm gonna call you....Rocket!

Of course...

Hank: You can stay here in my room, Rocket...just be quiet, ok?

Hank, are you sure this is really a good idea...and where'd you get all this stuff?

Hank: Eh, I just found it around...I think the ball is one of Dory's old toys.

Flick: You are going to be in so much trouble...

Hank: Not if you don't say anything...

Uh-oh...I don't think Hank accounted for little sisters...

Dory: Kitty!

Good luck, Rocket...

Um...ok, someone needs to start explaining something...

Hank: I found this while I was looking know, stuff...isn't it awesome?

That'll be a fun phone call from the school...can you even see in that thing?

Hank: Of course I can's got eye holes!

Could have fooled me.

Dory: Kitty....fuzzy!

Be careful, Dory...

Dory: Mama, I sawed something fuzzy...Hank's room...

Merida: Yes, honey, that was just Hank in his bear suit.

So, you saw that?

Merida: Yeah...I wish he wouldn't wear it to school, but it that's his way of grieving...

Oh, right. Josiah is a scientist. Congratulations.

Josiah: Thanks...

Something tells me Hank's going to have a harder time hiding his new friend...

Yeah, Rocket's definitely not a one room animal anymore... 

Merida: What is that smell in here...Oh my...what in the world is that? Rocket...

Hank: Mom, I'm home...what?

Merida: You know what. There's a...thing up in your bedroom!

It's called a raccoon.

Merida: Whatever. Hank, you should know better than to bring that thing into the house! What if it bites somebody?

Hank: Rocket wouldn't bite anybody! He's my friend!

Merida: You don't know that, Hank...he's a wild animal.

Hank: Not anymore...please can I keep him?

Eve: You know, Mer, the Howards seem to really like their new pets. Maybe we could give it a shot.

Merida: Don't tell me your on his side about this...

Eve: But...he has to stop wearing the bear suit to school...

Hank: Ok, ok. I'll stop...just please let me keep Rocket!

Merida: (sigh) All right, we can give it a try. But if he destroys anything...

Hank: Yay!

Hank: You're not going to destroy anything, are you Rocket? You're a good boy...

Um...I'd like to remind you that you found Rocket after he knocked over your garbage can.

Hank: Well that's when he was a baby. He's all grown up now...

Yup, he sure is...

Dory: Kitty!

Josiah: What the...

Well, as much as I'd like to stick around I think I'll let Josiah and Rocket get to know each other on their own. See you in round 18, guys!

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: Yup, another lot, another animal. In the interest of full disclosure, this one I did add to the house through CAS rather than have them find and adopt. I actually went back and forth between raccoon and fox for these guys, but I ultimately decided that having Hank finding a raccoon was more plausible. (Plus, it let's me have a sort-of related pet naming theme of "Other CGI characters"). And Dory is absolutely adorable! She really did get the best of her family's genetics.

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