Sunday, July 1, 2018

Bernard 5: Round 17

Last round, Alderaan and Thunder were still getting themselves settled with their new son, Chimney. Alderaan soon found herself pregnant again, and gave birth to a daughter, Balcony. Somehow, the pair managed to sneak out on a date night where Thunder finally convinced Alderaan to enter the karaoke contest...which unfortunately didn't go her way. 

Chimney: Dad! Dad!

Wait...let me guess...

You're signing up for scouts?

Chimney: How'd you know?

Call it a hunch.

Hey, Alderaan...sounding great...

Alderaan: Oh...hi mysterious voice...

How's the practicing going?

Alderaan: Fine. Just taking a little break from the piano...

So I take it the weather hasn't quite warmed up yet?

Thunder: Yeah...I thought the cold was supposed to be done now...

Not takes some time.

Hey Cori...

Alderaan: Hi! How was the trip!

Corellia: Oh, it was ok...except for the fireflies. And lightning bugs. And bees. Oh, and the skeletons...

Alderaan: Oh...well, thanks for watching the kids...

Corellia: No problem. What's the plan for date night?

Alderaan: Karaoke bar.

Corellia: Oh, are you entering...

Alderaan: Shh! I haven't decided yet...

Thunder: You're much better than she is...

Alderaan: Thunder, you've said that about everyone that's gotten up there.

Thunder: Well, it's true...come in, give it a shot...

Alderaan: Ugh...ok, fine...but I'm not going to win...

Evidently Alderaan's doing so well people decided to rush the stage?

All right! Nice job, Alderaan!

Chimney: Dad? Did Mommy really win the whole contest?

Thunder: She sure did, Chimney...

And she even got a promotion to boot.

Making a celebration dinner?

Alderaan: Oh, no. I get home so late everyone's already in bed. I'm working on a birthday cake.

For who?

Oh, I see...

Balcony: Mama...I play?

Alderaan: Maybe when you're a little bit bigger honey...

But first, Dad's got to get a little bit bigger. It's birthday party time.

Oh, right...Lightning still doesn't have a party outfit.

Thunder: Eh, I like it. Own your heritage and all that.

Ok, let's get this show on the road...Happy birthday, dear Thunder...

Thunder: Ok, everyone...let's hit the lanes...

Hey, we haven't gone bowling in forever...

Although the moonlight bowling lights really wash out the blue alien skin...

Love Day?

Alderaan: Yeah, it seems a little silly but I guess it's harmless enough.

Alderaan: Here...I don't know how to do much with them, but I found this growing in the yard...

Thunder:, I have the same kind for you. You know...since it's from our yard...

Hopefully the kids are doing better in the gift department...

Chimney: Happy birthday, Balcony...

Balcony's birthday is on Love Day?

Thunder: Yup. I guess it's easier that way...two parties at once.

Chimney: Um...happy Love Day, Eclipse...

Eclipse: Happy Love Day...

Chimney: I got this for you...

Eclipse: For me? But...there's only one of mean this is just for me?

I can see how that would be a confusing concept for you.

Happy birthday, dear Balcony...

Well, squeamish is better than fussy, I guess...

But I think a trip to the mirror is in order...

Balcony: Please? Please? 

Chimney: Ugh...fine! But you better not talk to me at the meetings...

I guess Balcony's a scout now too.

Balcony: HA! I win!

Chimney: What? That's impossible! You must have cheated.

Balcony: Nope! You have to push...

Well, I think I'll leave you two to your...swingset related gambling. I'll see you guys next round!

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: So, Spring takes forever to fully arrive in this game. The snow may have been gone, but the trees and plants looked grey and barren for most of the week, and it was still pretty cold. I was originally planning to have Alderaan enter the karaoke contest on Love Day, but Balcony's shared birthday kind of took priority. At least she finally won one though.

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