Saturday, August 5, 2017

Palmer 3: Round 16

Last round, Blair and Marlin's younger daughter, Riley, was having a difficult time in the relationship department as she graduated from high school. That soon changed when her sister took her out for a night on the town, and she bumped into Candy Bher. The two became fast friends, and soon that friendship had developed into something more. This turn of events didn't seem to bother anyone except for Blair, who was usually dismissive of the couple even at their wedding. However, by the end of the week even she had realized her daughter's relationship really wasn't all that different after all. (Adopting a baby girl, Nestle, didn't hurt matters.)

Looks like I got here just in time...

Happy birthday, dear Nestle...

That will be helpful...

...but I think she needs a new outfit.

Riley: And they all lived happily ever after. The end! Ok, big girl. It's time to go to sleep...

Nestle: Mommy? Mama come home?

Riley: Yes, Mama will come home. She works very late. But you'll get to stay with her all day tomorrow...

Wait...who's Yuki?

Candy: She's my sister...

You have a sister?

Candy: sound surprised. Everybody has a family, you know.

I guess. You bringing Nestle?

Candy: Of course. She's got to meet her aunt sometime, right?

It seems she's not too thrilled at that idea...

Candy: Oh, she's just shy...

Yuki: She's really adorable, though. Any thoughts about more?

Candy: More? Um...gee, I don't know. Riley and I never really talked about adopting more than one. You think we should?

Yuki: Well, sure. I mean, look at how much fun we had growing up, right?

Candy: That's true...ok, I'll bring it up to Riley when we get home...

Um...something tells me that conversation will have to wait for a bit.

Looks like her sister's longevity wasn't a twin thing...

Goodbye, Blair...

Nestle: Hey! You bad! Give Grandma back now!

And I see that Nestle's got quite a bit of spunk in her, yelling at the Grim Reaper...sorry, honey, but I don't think Grimmy gives in to tantrums.

I'm sorry, Riley...

Riley: (sigh) It was going to happen eventually. I'm just glad that she had started to come around know, me and Candy. 

She seemed to be taking quite a shine to Nestle, too.

Riley: Oh, absolutely. In fact, she even started this painting for her room right before she died...I guess it will never be finished now.

Well, that's depressing.

Riley: Yeah...part of me didn't want to put it up, but...I don't know. I just hope it's something for Nestle to remember her by. And who knows? Maybe I can get Nestle into painting too and she can finish it herself one day... 

Somehow I don't think this is what you meant...

Nestle: Pretty, Mommy! Like Grandma...

Riley: Oh, no, honey...paint doesn't go on the floor...come on, let's go put these away...

Candy: Riley, honey...there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about. What to you think about...about adopting again?

Riley: Again? Well, I hadn't really thought much about it at all...I guess we could, right? I mean, my paintings are bringing in enough on their own...but...

Candy: What?

Riley: Well, this may sound picky, but...I'd like to adopt an alien this time.

Candy: Really?

Riley: I don't know if it's my mom dying or what, but...I suddenly really want to keep that part of my family alive.

Candy: Can you even adopt aliens? I thought aliens just...happen.

Riley: There have to be some out there...

Candy: Let me see what I can find you mind taking Nestle out while I look?

Riley: Sure...I've been meaning to bring her to the museum anyway.

So what exactly is there for a toddler to do at a museum?

Riley: Not much, truthfully. But I at least wanted to expose her to it.

Nestle: Mommy...boring! Go!

I think she's had enough exposure for one day.

Riley: Ok, about we go over to the kids' center and play for awhile, since we're already out?

Kengo: Hello, there...I don't think I've seen you two here before.

Riley: You haven't. This is our first real day out.

Nestle: Mommy...look! Dollhouse!

Riley: I see, honey...why don't you get started and I'll play with you in a minute?

Kengo: Well, I'll leave you guys to it. If there's anything you need, please don't hesitate to ask.

Oh, right...Marlin...somehow I always forget about you.

Marlin: Eh, it's ok. I've been laying low this week...

Jessie: Hi, Dad...

Marlin: Hey, how's my don't mind that I brought Nestle, do you?

Jessie: No, that's great...she hasn't gotten to meet the boys yet.

Nestle: something!

There's not much he can do right now, Nestle. Maybe next time...

Nestle: Baby boring...

At least it seems like Marlin has a better opinion of his grandsons.

Marlin: I'm just glad I could make it over here to see them before they grow...or, know.

Yeah...about know, I've seen a lot of grieving spouses this round, and...well, let's just say you're handling it uniquely well.

Marlin: (sigh) It's not that I don't miss Blair. I do....but, I don't know. I knew she was older than me when we married. I kind of always expected she would go first. I guess I was just more prepared.

Planet: Now remember....when you get big, if that monster shows up under your bed, you call uncle Planet...I almost caught it once...

Nestle: Monster?

You know, I think I agree with Marlin in the background there...maybe we should wait for this conversation until she's out of diapers?

Jessie: So is it true? Are Riley and Candy adopting again?

Marlin: Well, that's what I hear...I don't think anything's final yet, but...

Nestle: Grandpa, Grandpa....

Marlin: Honey, the grown-ups are talking. It's rude to interrupt...

Nestle: Babies crying, Grandpa...

Jessie: ...Oh, yeah...I guess nap time's over. Thanks for the update, Nestle.

Marlin: We should probably be going, anyway.

Nestle: Mama? Monster here yet?

Candy: What?

Nestle: Uncle Planet...he come when I get big.

Candy: Oh, honey...he was just being silly. There's no monster coming...

Nestle: Mana...stay here?

Candy: Sorry, honey...I have to go to work...but I'll tell Mommy to be on alert, ok?

Nice going,'s an interesting work outfit.

Candy: Thanks...yeah, I know. I think the theater just kind of threw anything they had at me.

Seems to be a running theme around here recently...

Candy: Ok, so...I have good news and bad news...

Riley: I'm afraid to ask...

Candy: Well, the good news is that I found an agency adopting out aliens...and they have a little girl...

Riley: What? That's great, that's....wait a minute, what's the bad news?

Candy: (sigh) I called the agency this morning. For some reason, they're only adopting the kids out to single parents.

Really? I would have thought that would be the other way around.

Candy: Me too. But they said something about them assimilating into our family structures...

Riley: Oh, that's just silly. My mom and aunt assimilated into their family just fine...(sigh) So I guess we'll have to keep looking, huh?

Candy: Well...not exactly. I didn't mention the fact that I was married during the phone call. I didn't mention Nestle, either...

Riley: So, you want us to lie?

Candy: You said it yourself, the rule is silly. And who better to raise an alien baby than a half-alien?

Riley: A whole alien?

Candy: You know what I mean.

Riley: But what if they find out?

Candy: What they? Has anyone checked up on Nestle since we adopted her?

You know, that's a good point...

Candy: See? Even the mysterious voice is on my side.

Whoa, now...I didn't say...

Riley: (sigh) Ok...let's do it...

Candy: Today's the day, Nestle. Are you ready to be a big sister?

Nestle: Yes, Mama...when sister come here?

Candy: I have to go pick her up...then I'll bring her right back here. You can make her a nice picture in the art room while I'm gone, ok?

Nestle: Mommy? Why only Mama go get sister?

Riley: Well...we don't want to overwhelm her all at once, right?

Looks like she's home. Welcome, Starburst!

Oh, she's a toddler already...

Candy: Did I not mention that?

No...I was kind of expecting another baby.

Candy: you think Riley will mind?

I'm going to say no...

Riley: Hi, Starburst! I'm your other mommy...

Starburst: Other

Riley: Ok, you have fun exploring your new room...Mommy's got to go check something outside...

Check something? Uh-oh...

...Of course...

Riley: What...what was that?

I don't know...maybe they were saying "thank you" for adopting Starburst?

Riley: Strange way of saying it...

Nestle: ...You my sister?

Starburst: Sister!

Nestle: Want to learn paint?

Starburst: Paint! Paint!

Ok, well, I think it's time to be moving along before this gets messy...

...Although it looks like "other Mommy" will be the perfect person to teach you. Congratulations, Riley. I'll see all of you guys next round!

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: Well, it looks like extra-long elder stages are unique to the first Palmer house. I was actually counting on having a little bit more time for Blair to bond with Nestle. Nestle yelling at Grimmy was pretty funny, though. I also wasn't initially planning for these guys to have more than one kid, but I was sort of inspired by the Alien Adoption Challenge that has been making its way around the forums. This is a challenge that involves a single Sim raising an alien toddler to young adult without ever controlling them directly. Obviously, this is a sort of twist on those rules. But I thought these guys would be an appropriate house since being an alien was so important to Blair, and this is the only family who is adopting all of their kids. (Also, for those of you who are curious, no, you cannot actually adopt aliens in game. I checked every day, but the adoption pool doesn't generate them. Let's just say some mysterious voice magic was involved after Candy left the orphanage.)

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