Thursday, September 14, 2017

Palmer 6: Round 16

Last round, Jessie Palmer and Planet Kauker moved into their new home. Despite having conflicting work schedules, Jessie son found herself pregnant and by the end of the week had given birth to twin boys, Moat and Harbor.

Hi, guys...

Planet: Shh!

Jessie: We just got the babies to sleep...

Oh, sorry...

Planet: Maybe we should...head downstairs?

Ok, that was not a sufficient warning, Planet...

Not really surprised here...

Jessie: Can you believe it?

Planet: Not really...seems like we just had the last two...

Want to go tell your dad the good news?

Jessie: Oh, know, I haven't seen him since...well, since Mom passed away.

You ok?

Jessie: Yeah...seeing it just makes it more real.

Let's go inside and find your dad, huh?

Marlin: Jessie! It's so good to see you!

Jessie: It's good to see you too, are you doing?

Marlin: Oh, you know...pretty good, all things considered. Let's go sit down out back.

Marlin: So is it true I've got another grandchild on the way?

Jessie: Yup. We just found out. You don't think it's too soon after the boys, do you?

Marlin: Oh, and Riley weren't that much farther apart and you both did fine.

Jessie: Where is Riley, anyway?

Marlin: She's at the park with the girls...(laughs)

Jessie: What's so funny?

Marlin: Every time I say "the girls" I keep thinking I'm talking about you and your sister. Time sure does fly, doesn't it?

Jessie: Yeah...yeah, it does...

You know, I think I'll let you two have a few minutes to yourselves. I'm going to go check in on Planet with the babies.

How are the boys doing?

Planet: Pretty good, I guess...

You guess?

Planet: Well...I think something might be going on with Harbor...does his crying sound off to you?

It's kind of hard to tell when they're both crying at once.

Glad things seem to be going ok at work, though.

Planet: Yeah...just in time, too. We're going to have to go shopping for beds soon.

Does that mean...

Planet: Yup...they boys are almost toddlers.

Well, let me just help that along then.

Happy birthday, dear Harbor...

Ok, silly's not that hard...


Planet: He's an alien?

Sort of...but he has your skin...never seen that before. I guess that explains the weird crying.

Let's see if Moat's got any surprises...Happy birthday, dear Moat...

At least we lucked out with the traits

No, he seems fully human.

So, this will be quite a surprise for Jessie, won't it?

Planet: Yeah...I mean, we always knew there'd probably be some alien in our kids. But when neither of them came out blue, I figured it had just skipped a generation.

Jessie: Look at my big're both so handsome!

Moat: Harbor look funny, Mama...why?

Jessie: Oh, Moat...Harbor doesn't look funny, he just, well...I'll explain it when you're older, ok?

Planet: So, you're sure you can handle this on your own?

Handle what?

Jessie: Our first play group day...and yes, I'm sure. Go on to work. We'll be fine.

Man, they don't even give you a chance to settle in, do they?

Jessie: Oh, I volunteered. I've been anxious to do it ever since I heard Riley talk about it.

And while pregnant too...I gotta give you credit for that one.

Jessie: There are other parents here...not that they're doing much, but they are here.

Planet: Hey, little was your first day of play group?

Harbor: Big slide...tunnel...I eaten a whole hot dog!

Planet: Wow...where's Mommy?

Harbor: Mommy's tummy hurt...

Uh-oh...I think I know what this means...

So, here or hospital?

Jessie: Hospital...I think it might freak the boys out to watch.

Jessie: Hi, I was wondering...before I head back, is there any sort of...tests we can run on the baby after it's born?

Receptionist: Tests?

Jessie: Yeah, we had some surprises with our twins, know what, never mind...

Doctor: Just relax,'ll be over before you know it...

Wow, really wasn't expecting another girl. Welcome, Ocean...

Well at least we know she's got some alien in her from the beginning.

Planet: So what are you guys going to do this morning while I'm at work?

Harbor: Park!

Moat: Yeah, park!

Jessie: No, no park today. Today we're going to stay at home so Mommy can be with Ocean.

Planet: Are you sure about that? I'm sure one of the other parents could take them...

Jessie: Relax, Planet. It's just one afternoon. How much trouble could they possibly get into?

You've...been around toddlers before, right?

As I was saying...who spilled paint on the rug?

Moat: Ocean did it!

Harbor: Babies can't spill...

Don't worry, Moat...pretty soon she'll be big enough to blame stuff on.

Happy birthday, dear Ocean...

Oh, goody...another wild toddler.

And...she's all alien too.

Jessie: I thought she just had my skin...what are the chances?

Jessie: Aren't you tired yet?

Harbor: No, Mama...

Jessie: Well, I am...and I have to get ready for work!

Harbor: No work, Mama...stay home! Play!

Jessie: Wish I could, buddy, but today's an important day for Mommy...

Looks like it was an important day for Daddy, too.

Nice going, Jessie...

Jessie: Thanks...the kids didn't break anything, did they?

Um...I don't think so.

Harbor: Moat, stop! You'll hurt Ocean...

Moat: No I won't...if she ever moves out of the way!

I like that the two alien kids look out for one another...

Oh, Uncle Galaxy is coming over?

Planet: Yeah, I think he kind of misses the toddler stuff with his two. He volunteered to hang out with them today.

Well, I'll let these three bond with their uncle, then. I'll see you guys next round!

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: So, did you know that fully alien kids can be born to half alien parents? Because I didn't. Both Harbor and Ocean are 100% alien. They both have the ability to disguise themselves and everything, although Ocean's disguise actually keeps her blue skin. (It actually looks like a mini-Jessie.) I was actually more surprised by Harbor, though. I've never seen an alien with a normal human skin tone before.  

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