Friday, August 31, 2018

Howard 1: Round 18

Last round, the Howard family got a little bigger when they discovered some new creatures wandering around the world. Herbert was initially cautious, but Disgust quickly welcomed Amygdala the cat and Cortex the dog into the family. Meanwhile, Hope developed a deeper relationship with Hermes Rowan.

Um...hey, Disgust...

Disgust: Hi, mysterious voice...say, do you think Cortex to you?

...Really? She's got green slime coming out of her mouth...

...and it looks like it's been going on for awhile...

Hope: You think we should take her to that vet place?

Yeah...I think that would be a good idea...

But let's hurry, because it looks like we've got to set up for New Year's...

Vet:  Hmm...

Hope: Is everything ok?

Vet: She should be fine. It looks like she may have just eaten something off. She should probably take it easy this week, though.

Hope: No problem. We've got a pretty low-key week...

Well, it's certainly calmer than the last house...

Good, at least one animal seems to be healthy around here.

Disgust: Happy birthday, honey...

Herbert: Oh, honey, you don't have to make a big deal about it...

Disgust: Are you kidding? Of course we do...

Happy birthday, dear Herbert...

Herbert: Ow...this cake better be worth it...

Um...well, it might have been good five minutes ago...

Herbert: Amygdala! That's my cake...

Yeah, good luck with that, Herbert...

Wow, nice trick.

Disgust: Thanks. I'm practicing for tonight.

New Year's?

Disgust: Yup. We're hosting the party.

Well, it look like you're all set up.

Disgust: I hope so...

Looks like Cortex is ready, too...

A black and white bash?

Disgust: Yeah, a house party just seemed too casual.

Um, Hope? You're aware that you're supposed to wear black and white, not black and brown.

Hope: Hey, it's a party. I want to be comfortable...

Although I guess it makes it easier to play with your niece...

Hope: Hey! You survived the jungle...

Erica: Barely. Trust me, if they try to talk you into a school trip, don't go!

Ok, resolution time...writing a book?

Disgust: Yeah, I thought I should try my hand at writing a cook book.

Huh, not a bad idea...

And I guess that one makes the most sense for you since you're already an A student...

Huh...would have thought you would have gone with the social media.

Herbert: Eh, I figured I'd pick one I can actually do...

Everybody: 3...2...1...Happy New Year!!!

So I see we're spending New Year's Day at the dog park?

Hope: I thought maybe she just needed more exercise.

...Did you grill fruit in the middle of winter?

Hermes: What? It's not like fruit is seasonal... know what, I'm going to let that one go.

Besides, we have to head back for Disgust's birthday. 

Wait, we're still exercising the dog?

Disgust: More like exercising know, before the bad back sets in.

Happy birthday, dear Disgust...

Hey, at least she saw it coming...

Herbert: Man, it's hot here...why did she have to move to the desert, anyway?

Why did who have to move to the desert?

Disgust: Sadness. We figured we should come down and see the new house...and our granddaughter.

I take it playing with Kiwi has taken Herbert's mind off the heat...or the moderate warmth...

Sadness: Thanks for coming over, guys...I think you may have actually tired Kiwi out...

Herbert: Where did she get to, anyway?

Disgust: Oh, Hope is putting her down for a nap...

Hope: Ok, so...take a nap...

Kiwi: No!

Hope: ... Please?

Maybe parenting can be the new skill Hope learns this year?

Since it looks like she won't be in school for much longer...

Um, hi Cyprus...

Hope: You know, this isn't a costume party...

Cyprus: I know that...

And let's get one last kiss in...

Hope: What?

Well, last one for now...

Happy birthday, dear Hope... it just me or have the club traits been showing up more and more?

Ok, well, this has been fun but I've got to be moving on. Keep an eye on Cortex, and I'll see you guys next round!

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: So, much less eventful around here. I can't believe that Disgust and Herbert are elders already. The New Year's party was actually really fun (even if everybody's random black and white outfits were really awkward.)

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