Last round, Addison Palmer adjusted to her teenage years while also adjusting to her mother and aunt's new live-in boyfriends, Finley and Reginald. By the end of the week, Megan and Finley finally tied the knot while Emily and Reginald opted to keep their relationship a bit more casual. At the end of the week, Finely had an...unusual experience that seemed to have some bizarre after effects. And judging by this picture, it looks like he may have some surprises that even the mysterious voice was not expecting...
(clears throat)
Megan: Oh, hi mysterious voice.
What are you holding?
Megan: Madison?
(clears throat)
Reginald: Do you have a cold or something?
What are you holding?
Reginald: Her name's Blair.
Ok, you've got some explaining to do.
Finley: About what?
About what? You have two new children! And they'! Start talking!
Finley: them?
I'm an omniscient disembodied voice, Finley. You're not going to fool me that easily.
Finley: know how last week, that beam of light kind of sucked me up into the sky?
Finley: Well after I came back, I started having these weird pains in my stomach. And before I knew it, they were here. I'm still not sure how it happened.
And you couldn't have waited for me to get back?
Finley: It's not like I can hold them in!
Well, at least you gave them semi-normal names...
So how is it being a big sister?
Addison: Well, I'm not really. The twins aren't technically related to me.
Well, you know what this means, right? You get to move into your own house after you graduate!
Addison: Um...wouldn't I do that anyway?
Did I not explain any of the rules around here?
Reginald: Seriously, dude...what's wrong with them?
Finley: Nothing's wrong with them. They're just a little different.
Reginald: Good luck sending them to school.
Finley: I'm sure they'll be perfectly normal children.
Still at it with the bar, huh?
Emily: With those two little...whatever they are screaming up there I need it more than ever.
Ryan: Whoa! Addison, are you ok?
Addison: Yeah, I feel fine!
Ryan: Um...maybe we should hang out another time...
Reginald: Addison! How many more plants are you going to put out here? This yard is like a jungle!
Well, at least you guys are getting a whole lot of free produce.
Addison: Hello? Oh, hi Ryan. Are we still on for tonight? Oh, didn't catch them from me, did you? Are you sure?
Does Ryan have the stripes?
Addison: No, he has the spirals...
Oh...and what do those do?
Addison: They make you all dizzy.
Ahh...of course.
Congratulations, Finely! Though it should be an interesting challenge to keep those babies hidden in the entertainer career...
What's this? A ghost actually doing something useful? What craziness is this?
Megan: So...we need to start coming up with a plan for when the twins start school.
Finley: What do you mean?
Megan: Well, first of all we'll need to explain where they came from. We can't exactly say I gave birth to them. And we also need to have a plan for explaining why they're blue.
Is that really such a big deal? Where I'm from there are blue and pink and even orange people, and nobody bats an eye.
Megan: Where exactly are you from?
Looks like they better get that plan in place soon.
Wow, what a...unique looking little girl! Have you picked an aspiration?
Madison: I want to be really smart!
Well, at least their jumpsuits are different colors. What about you, Blair?
Blair: I want to be really strong!
Ok, Rambunctious Scamp it is...
Finley: Ok, girls...come here a second. Daddy needs to test something out...
Whoa! What happened?
Madison: Daddy put special make-up on us so we'll look more like the other kids.
Well, it sure seems to work. Even I can't see through it.
So, do you really think covering them up with make-up is a good long-term plan?
Finley: Why not? Look at them! They look perfectly normal, and they look so much like Addison that people are sure to believe they're her sisters.
Finley: Now remember, when do we take the make-up off?
Madison: When we get home.
Finley: And...
Blair: And we're inside, with the door closed.
Finley: Right. Ok, have a good first day of school!
I'm guessing the first day didn't go so well?
Madison: This make-up is really uncomfortable.
Blair: And we can't really run around at recess or the wigs might fall off.
I'm thinking Finley's plan isn't working out that well...
Whoa! What happened here?
Reginald: The same thing that always happens here. We go to bed, everything works fine. We wake up, everything's a fountain.
Madison: Ahh! Daddy, my wig caught fire!
Um, Reginald? Shouldn't you do something?
Reginald: Eh, she's Finley's kid. Let him deal with it.
Finley: Don't worry, honey...Daddy's got it...
Whew, that was close. You ok, Madison?
Madison: I think so...
Emily: Madison! What are you doing outside without your make-up on?
Madison: But Aunt Emily, I don't want to wear the makeup anymore! It caught on fire!
Emily: Your dad is getting new wigs that won't catch on fire. It's really important that you keep the make-up on when you go outside.
Madison: But why?
Emily: Well, because you and your sister are very different. And we're not sure how other people would react to that.
Reginald: Yup. Every day...but at least I'm getting better at fixing stuff.
Reginald: See? I can fix the TV now.
Oh, wow, that thing's been broken for two weeks. Good job.
Madison: Blair, why do you think we're so different?
Blair: Huh? What do you mean?
Madison: Why do you think we're really blue?
Blair: I don't know. Maybe all the other kids are really blue too. Maybe everybody's wearing make-up when they leave the house.
Madison: I don't think so.
Oh, right...I almost forgot about Addison.
You two excited for your sister's birthday?
Blair: Yeah! She's taking us to the park!
Ahh, I see. Getting a jump on those aspirations, huh?
Madison: So is that what you really look like?
Looks like Madison still has a bit more to learn in the social skills department...
Emily: All right, let's get this party going!
Happy birthday, dear Addison...
Wow, you look...marginally different.
Addison: Well, sure. It's not like when I grew up from a kid.
Alright, well, on that note I have to be on my way. I'll see you guys next round...hopefully without any more surprises.
A Message From the Mysterious Voice: Yeah, so...about that mod that was supposed to auto-pause the pregnancy...either it just doesn't work with GTW or it doesn't work on alien pregnancies, because Finley gave birth while I was off the lot. Fortunately I actually really like the names Madison and Blair, but I'm going to have to think about how I can work them into a naming theme. The naming theme for this house may have to wait until the next generation. I'm not sure how I feel about the aliens being able to disguise themselves. On the one hand, it is kind of a cool ability but on the other hand it kind of negates the fact that they are aliens. Though I've heard that you don't really know if alien babies are fully alien until they hit their teens, so we will see...