Monday, April 6, 2015

Flenderson 1: Round 3

Last round, William and Michelle Flenderson were in for quite a surprise when Michelle became pregnant with the couple's fourth child. Sabrina was born a few days later, and by the end of the week had grown up into a spunky little girl. Meanwhile, eldest son Noah grew from a teen to a young adult and set out on his own with his girlfriend Jennifer, and twins Alyssa and Ryan grew from children to teens. Sadly, William's mother Dorothy also passed away from old age

Hi, guys.

Ryan: Oh, hi mysterious voice.

What's going on this morning?

Alyssa: We're learning how to fix the sink. It's broken like 5 times, and Mom and Dad aren't always home to fix it, so we have to learn how.

Don't you guys think it's weird that all of your bathroom fixtures keep breaking?

Alyssa: Not really. This place is really cheap.

I guess Alyssa's aspiration is starting to kick in...

Michelle: Hi, Noah! How's everything at your new house?

Noah: It's great. I can't wait for you to come and see it!

Sabrina: Whoa! 

You might want to have Alyssa give you some lessons there, Sabrina...

Sabrina: She never wants to play anymore since she and Ryan became teenagers.

Nice job Michelle!

Michelle: Thanks!

Alyssa: For the last time, Sabrina. There is no such thing as ghosts.

Sabrina: But I saw Grandma's ghost right here in the kitchen. She talked to me. 

Alyssa: You were probably just dreaming. Now hurry up-we'll be late for school.

Michelle: Do you think it's true?

William: What's true?

Michelle: The ghost thing Sabrina's been talking about.

William: Michelle, she's a kid. Kids make up stuff all the time. 

Michelle: I know, sure would explain a lot, wouldn't it? 

Nice job, William.

You're getting better at that guitar, too.

William: Yeah, the kids don't run from the room when I pick it up anymore.

Michelle: Hello? Oh, hi Maura! Sure, Joy can come hang out for the afternoon. What are you up to? Yeah, I know. Ours keeps breaking too. Do you think we should call the mayor or something? Well I don't know who to call. But I think it's a little weird that everybody's bathroom fixtures keep breaking every night. Oh, Sabrina's convinced that it's ghosts. I know, right? Kids... 

Sabrina: You believe me that ghosts are real, right?

Joy: Sure, I guess so. I mean, I've never seen one...but that doesn't mean they're not real.

William: Ugh! This stupid computer is broken again?

Sabrina: It was Grandma, Dad. She haunted it last night.

William: Sabrina...go do your homework.

Looks like she's been keeping up with her homework just fine...

Oh...hi Aiden. I was going to come and greet you but it seems Alyssa's beat me to it.

And what would a week here be without a birthday...

Let me guess...looking for eggs?

Ryan: Not really, although I am finding a lot of them. I'm more into crystals and fossils and stuff like that.

Sabrina: Check it out! Look what I learned to do!

Nice. You seem to be getting better on that thing.

Sabrina: I know! Pretty soon I'll be able to swing from the top just like Alyssa used to do.

Happy birthday, dear William...

Man, becoming an elder looks so painful...

Well, it looks like it's time to be on my way. I'll see you guys next round!

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: Not too eventful, I know. I can't believe that so many of the original adults are becoming elders already. This challenge is moving so fast, pretty soon we'll be at round 4. But first, we need to go check in with Noah in his new home. 

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