Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Howard 1: Round 4

Last round, the Howard family continued to adjust to life with two children. Patrick and Maura's daughter, Joy, quickly became the main subject for Maura's budding photography skills, while Justin and Marlene's son Confusion preferred to work on his creativity skills far away from the camera. Meanwhile, all 4 adults continued to progress in their careers.

Joy: You love me more, don't you Bun Bun...

Isn't that Confusion's bunny?

Joy: If you want to get technical about it...but it's not like he really went out and found the stupid eggs. I found more than he did.

Justin: Maura, don't you think you've taken enough pictures of her? This place is starting to look like a modeling agency. Why don't you take pictures of something else?

Maura: Well, I don't see you volunteering.

Joy: Mom, when are we going to get a camera we can take outside?

Maura: Soon, honey. I just have to get my skills up a little bit more so I can use it right. 

Maura: Ow! Stupid knife...

So I take it cooking isn't really your thing.

Maura: Well, not right now. But I'm going to learn to do this.

Just be careful.

Hey, looks like Confusion's been busy! Nice job!

Joy: It's not fair! I wanted to finish first!

Patrick: Well, yours just takes more time. You'll get there.

Looks like Joy did finish something first, though.

Man, this was a great day for everybody!

Hey, that's starting to sound pretty nice there, Confusion!

Confusion: Thanks. I can finally start playing grown-up songs instead of just scales and stuff.

Looks like it didn't take Joy too much longer.

Justin: Um...maybe you should stay home today, honey.

Marlene: Why?

Justin: Have you looked in the mirror?

Marlene: Yeah, I know...but I feel fine, honest.

Why does every disease in this town cause an unsightly rash?

Congratulations, Maura.

What the...

Oops. Guess I missed the timing again. Sorry Maura.

Maura: Oh, that's ok. I was just going from young adult to adult. I actually told Patrick and the kids not to make a big deal of it.

You're taking up piano?

Joy: I wanted to try it. It's harder than Confusion made it look, and he's not even as good at piano as he is at the violin.

Oh, good...Dorothy's here. I was wondering when the house was going to be flooded again.

Glad to see that rash didn't hold you back.

Marlene: Yeah, that's the nice thing about being a writer. Looks aren't so important to my job performance. 

What're taking pictures of other adults?

Maura: Well, I figured that we should have some pictures of the other people that live here besides Joy.

Again, Maura?

Maura: I just wanted to make a simple cake!

A cake? For what?

Oh, I see...why don't you let Patrick take over that one for now?

Happy birthday, dear Joy...

Huh...not crazy about the hairstyle, but that's easy enough to change. Have you picked your adult aspiration yet?

Joy: Yup! I want to be good at everything!


...Yeah, that makes sense.

Looks like it's Confusion's birthday too!

Happy birthday, dear Confusion...

And what about you? Have you picked an aspiration?

Confusion: I want to go out and find a lot of cool stuff.

I guess Confusion has gotten over his fear of going outside.

Wait, who is this?

Confusion: Don't you remember my friend Darien?

It's his birthday too?

Confusion: Yup.

Ok, well, congratulations Darien.

Darien: Aren't you going to ask me what my aspiration is? don't live in town. But I'm sure whatever it is it's a great choice.

Starting off with fish?

Confusion: Yeah. Not much is out here, though. 

Justin: You and Confusion haven't done much together lately. Why don't you two go to the park or something?

Joy: Don't you think we're a little old for that?

Justin: No, he can work on his fishing. And I'm sure you'll find something to do, too. He's your cousin, Joy.

Joy: (sigh) Ok. Confusion! Come on, we're going to the park.

I'm glad to see you guys finally changed your last names, though.

Joy: Oh, yeah. Mom had to do it after Dad came to pick us up and the school thought he was trying to abduct us.

And it looks like Joy found a diversion at the park after all. Who's your friend?

Joy: This is Benjamin.

Well, tell you what-I've got to be moving on now, so I'll leave you two to get better acquainted. I'll see you guys next round!

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: I still really love this family. I didn't really want Joy and Confusion to age to teens; they were both so cute. I aged up Darien because A) he happened to be over and B) I intended for him to be a potential mate for Joy, but they didn't really get along. Other than the aging, though, it was a pretty uneventful week. Maura's photography skill is actually almost maxed. Maybe once these guys build up enough of a nest egg a retail lot might be in their future...they've got to do something with all those photos. 

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