Thursday, June 1, 2017

Kauker 2: Round 15

Last round, Galaxy and Leanna moved into their new home. Leanna joined the entertainer career, while Galaxy took up writing. Leanna soon found herself pregnant, and gave birth to a daughter, Gemini. At the end of the week, the couple had finally saved up enough for a real wedding. 

Hi, guys!

Galaxy: Hi, mysterious voice.

Leanna: Yeah, hi...

What's wrong?

Leanna: Nothing...who said there was something wrong?

Galaxy: Come on, Leanna...something's got to be bugging you. You've been so quiet ever since we got home from my sister's wedding.

Leanna: It's nothing, Galaxy. I promise. Let's just go to bed...

Galaxy: Yeah, maybe that's a good idea.

Whoa, not what I thought you meant! Let me get out of the room first.

So, spill it.

Leanna: Spill what?

Something's bugging you. I know it is.

Leanna: (sigh) You don't know everything, you know.

True. But this I'm pretty sure about. What's going on?

Leanna: I've just been thinking a lot...about Gemini...

What about her?

Leanna: Well, she's not going to be a baby forever, you know. And I don't know if you've noticed, but I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing here.

Well of course you don't. You're a first time mom...

Leanna: It's not just that. Until I met Galaxy I never even thought I'd have kids. There are some people who are just...made for this, you know? And I just don't think I'm one of them.

Have you talked to Galaxy about any of this?

Leanna: A little. But I don't want to upset him. I certainly don't want him to think I'm not happy with him and Gemini...I just hope he's not too mad when I screw it all up.

Well, at least someone had a good day.

What are you reading?

Galaxy: Well, Leanna's been really uneasy about caring for Gemini. So I found these books buried in a closet at work...I never knew they had books about this stuff.

Learning anything interesting?

Galaxy: It seems pretty common sense so far. But it might be good to have around, just in case.

So, has Leanna talked to you at all...

Galaxy: A bit. I know she's worried about being a bad mother...but I don't see how that's possible.

Nice going, Leanna.

Leanna: Thanks. Now if you'll excuse me, I haven't been feeling that well...

I think that might explain why.

Leanna: I'm...I'm going to have two?

You had to have known that was a possibility.

Leanna: I guess...but...oh my...I need to lie down.

No time for that now, I'm afraid.

Leanna: Can't we wait? I'm not sure I'm ready...

Sorry, but I don't want to risk missing it.

Happy birthday, dear Gemini...

At least Leanna lucked out with the trait.

And she's cute, too...but I think she needs a new hairstyle.

Much better.

Leanna: Huh...


Leanna: Oh, nothing...just this book.

Um, Leanna? Typically bedtime stories are read out know, so she can hear it?

Leanna: ....Oh! That makes sense...

Maybe those books Galaxy brought home will be more helpful than I thought.

Huh? That can happen?

Leanna: I guess...I wish I had known they were going to send toys before we spent money on our own...

Leanna: Ok, why don't we try to use the potty?

Gemini: No!

Leanna: ...

Um, Leanna?

Leanna: Hold on, let me get the book...

Next time, maybe read the book first?

Leanna: Ok, sweetie...I need to go lie down for a little while. Can you be a good girl for Mommy?

Gemini: Yes!

Um, Leanna? Are you sure this is a good idea?

Leanna: I'm just going to take a quick nap. How much trouble could she get into?

Um...Leanna? You might want to get in here...

Leanna: Gemini! What did you do?

Gemini: Pretty!

Leanna: It would be pretty if it were on paper...not the carpet! 

Leanna: Galaxy, she's been a toddler for a day and I feel like I'm already screwing it up! 

Galaxy: You're not screwing it up! We're all still new at this toddler thing, remember?

Leanna: But the book said...

Galaxy: Who cares what the book says? You're her mom- just trust your instincts and you'll know what to do.

Leanna: If you say so...

I guess things are going good on the work front.

So, you find anything else buried in those closets?

Galaxy: No, nothing else. I found more of that same series, but I don't think Leanna's quite ready for them yet...I'm not either, to tell the truth.

And as if having one wasn't giving poor Leanna enough trouble...

Leanna:'m...kind of having a baby? Another baby, I mean. I already had one baby before...

Receptionist: Alright, head on back...

Just relax, Leanna...

Doctor: Hey, that's my line!

Another girl! Welcome, Libra!

A bit less scary this time?

Leanna: Yes and no...I mean, I know how to take care of a baby now, but...what if Gemini doesn't like her? And how am I going to take care of both of them?

You know, you do have Galaxy...

Leanna: I guess. And he sure seems to know what he's doing more than I do.

Well he's the oldest of 4. He may have picked up some tips along the way.

Leanna: Huh...maybe it will be good for Gemini to have a little sister then.

Galaxy: Guess what? You have a new baby sister!

Gemini: Baby!

Galaxy: That's right! Mommy's going to be home with her soon. How about we go make her a nice picture?

Gemini: No mess!

Galaxy: That's right, we'll keep all the paint on the paper.

I see Leanna isn't the only one who's been reading those books.

Leanna: Gemini, stop splashing! You're getting water all over the place...

How's it going having two?

Leanna: Um...ok...sort of. (sigh) I just wish I knew if I was doing this right...

Gemini: Bubbles!

Leanna: Yes, I know, but if you could just keep the bubbles in the tub...

I just realized we never got a good shot of Libra. Those are some really blue eyes...

Galaxy: Gemini, I think Mommy needs some quiet right about we go and read a book?

Gemini: No book! Play!

Leanna: Not so easy, is it?

Galaxy: Hold on, I think I hear my phone...

Galaxy: Oh, hi Universe...that's a great idea! I think Leanna could use some time at home alone with the baby before she goes to work. Gemini, you want to go to Grandma's with me?

Gemini: Grandma!

Galaxy: Hi Mom...

Arielle: Hi! Where's my little granddaughter?

Galaxy: She's

Looks like she's getting acquainted with her aunt and uncle...

Gemini: I'm a big sister!

Universe: I know. Do you like the new baby?

Gemini: Too loud!

Universe: Don't worry, she won't be that loud for very long. Astroid...come meet your niece! 


Galaxy: Come on, Gemini. We've got to get home to the baby before your mom goes to work.

Gemini: No baby! Stay here!

Galaxy: No, you've got to come with me.

Gemini: Voice stay!

Sorry, Gemini. I've got to follow your dad.

I guess that afternoon with the baby was just what you needed.

Leanna: Yeah...although, I must admit, this is all giving me plenty of material.

Oh, we're just getting'll have a whole new set before this week is done.

Happy birthday, dear Libra...

And of course she's the exact opposite of her sister.

She looks just like her, though.

Leanna: Hold on there, little monster...where do you think you're going?

Well, it sure looks like you're getting the hang of things. I've got to be on my way now, but I'll see you guys next round!

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: And Parenthood arrives! It worked out really well that I set up Leanna being an unsure first time mom last time.  This is definitely my favorite TS4 pack so far. It adds so many little touches that really change the family dynamics in the game. I loved that Galaxy's family sent gifts to Gemini when she aged up into a toddler. Gemini and Libra are actually pretty well behaved toddlers-I guess I'll have to wait to roll "Wild" or "Fussy" to see them really go nuts. 

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