Saturday, July 25, 2015

Palmer 2: Round 5

Welcome to another new home in Tranquility Creek. This one belongs to Ryan Flenderson and Addison Palmer.

Hi, guys! How do you like the new house?

Ryan: Oh, it's great. And it's so quiet.

Coming from your family home, I can see how that would be strange.

Ryan: ...Yeah. I still can't believe Sabrina's living there on her own. 

Shouldn't you be getting a job?

Ryan: Nah, Addison and I are going in a different direction.

You're not getting a job either?

Addison: Nope. We're going to live off the land. Between my gardening and Ryan's collecting, we should be ok.

And yet you're still spending $1,000 on a wedding....

Ryan: Oh...hi Alyssa. wore your wedding dress too?

Alyssa: Of course...what else would I wear to a wedding?

Guess I forgot to give Alyssa another formal outfit...


You brought a tent to your wedding?

Ryan: No, don't be silly. It was in the park already.

Why would you be going into a...

Oh, come on...can't you two at least wait until you get home?

Well that escalated quickly...

Addison: I can't believe it! We're going to have a baby!

Don't you two think you might be rushing things? I mean, you're not even changed out of your wedding attire yet.

Ryan: So, I was thinking...this whole, live off the land thing? With a baby on the way, we probably need some more money coming in.

Addison: I plants aren't bringing in quite as much as I thought they would. Maybe your brother can help you get a job at the science lab?

Ryan: I guess...I'll give him a call.

Oh boy, another scientist. Although Ryan doesn't seem quite as cut out for the job as Noah.

How's the greenhouse coming?

Addison: It's growing fine, but all this weeding is really doing a number on my back. And now my stomach is starting to really hurt.

I don't think that's from the gardening...

Addison: How was your first day of work?

Ryan: Eh, ok. How was your day here?

Addison: Well, funny you asked...

Looks like it's go time!

Ryan: Addison? Where's the delivery room?

You may have wanted to wait for your husband...he's kind of running all over the hospital in a panic.

Addison: Eh, he'll figure out how to get here eventually. I kind of have bigger things to worry about here.


Ryan: Ok, I'm here...I'm here. Did I miss it?

Addison: (sigh) No, honey. 

And I see Addison is continuing the gardening theme with her children...

Ryan: Now you be a good girl for Mommy while I'm at work...

How's the science lab going?

Ryan: It's ok, I guess. I spend most of my time looking around the grounds for samples and stuff, so it's kind of like what I wanted to do anyway.

What are you up to today?

Ryan: I found this weird seed behind the lab...I'm trying to run some tests on it to find out what it is. I might bring it home for Addison to add to her garden, but I want to see if it's safe first.

Congrats on the promotion...Did you find anything out?

Ryan: Well, it doesn't seem poisonous...

That's good...

You're not planting the new seed in the greenhouse room?

Addison: Well, since we don't know exactly what it is I figured it's probably better to plant it outside.

Wow, congratulations, Ryan. That must be a new record for completing an adult aspiration.


Addison: I know, isn't it cute?

For now, yes...but I don't know if you really want one of these growing in your yard.

Addison: Oh, come on. Look at it, it's adorable! 

Happy birthday dear Azalea...

Not bad...

Azalea: Um...thanks?

Hmm...a bookworm social butterfly. I don't know how well that's going to work, but we'll see. But for now, it's time for me to move on. Azalea, do me a favor.

Azalea: What?

Stay away from that plant in the yard until I get back. I'll see you all next round.

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: And with that, we've reached the end of round 5! I did initially plan to have Addison and Ryan support themselves through their aspirations, gardening and collecting. But with Addison leaving most of her profitable plants at her parent's house, it didn't quite work out that way. Ryan's collecting didn't bring in very much on its own, but it did prove useful once he started working at the science lab. Stay tuned for the scorecard!

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