Friday, December 25, 2015

Howard 1: Round 9

Last round, the Howard family found itself down another member as Justin died of old age. Cason responded, as always, by helping the family drown their sorrows in desserts. Meanwhile, Joy continued to advance in the writing career.

Hi, Maura.

Maura: Oh, hi mysterious voice.

How's everything going around here?

Maura: Just fine...I'm going to go lie down for awhile. Joy's down in the basement...something about the computer?

Joy: Stupid computer...

Do you know what you're doing?

Joy: Not really, but this thing is so hard can it be?

Just be careful. I don't want any more visits from Grimmy around here.

Although it looks like we're getting one anyway...

Bye, Maura...

Let me guess...we're healing through ice cream again?

Cason: I just want to have it on hand for when Disgust gets home.

Because it worked so well when Justin died.

Marlene: Ugh...I can't take this today!

Well, I'm sure Joy will be able to...

Marlene: No...I saw an ad on TV the other day. There's someone I can call now who'll come over and fix things when they break...

You mean a repairman?

Marlene: Yes! It seemed like a strange idea, but I'll give it a try.

Man, I have never been happier to see you!

So...this is a new thing around here?

Repairman: Yup. Anything breaks, folks call me. I show up, fix it, and charge them money. Don't really understand it. Next thing you know they'll have some guy you call just to put out fires.

Disgust: Hi, Dad!

Cason: Hi, honey...listen, I've got some bad news for you...

Disgust: Not Grandma too!

I'm sorry, Disgust...

I'm guessing the ice cream didn't help...

Disgust: Not really...

Joy: I just wish we had been able to open that photo store...

You can still do it, you know. You have about 100 pictures in your inventory alone.

Joy: It just wouldn't be the same.

Joy: ...Why is there a tree in our living room?

Cason: I don't really know. It was just here when I got up...mysterious voice?

It's a Christmas tree...

Joy: Is this like those eggs you hid awhile back? Because I'm still trying to figure that one out...

For the last time, I didn't hide those eggs! I can't believe we're still having this conversation!

I thought you were working on your motor skill...

Disgust: I am. But Mom wanted me to learn violin too.

Well, your dress is very pretty.

Ok...not the most obvious place for a workout.

Cason: I have to do something while the cookies are baking

Well, that's one way to burn off the calories I guess.

Nice job, Disgust.

And Marlene...

...And Joy...

...And Disgust again. Man, it's been a great day for everyone.

Cason too, it seems. Happy birthday, dear Cason...

I still don't see why this requires a cake...although with Cason I'm not too surprised.

Are you dancing?

Marlene: Yeah...why?

No reason...just don't wear yourself out.

Marlene: Oh, I'm not that old.

Care to introduce me to your friend?

Disgust: This is Herbert. 

Happy birthday, dear Disgust...

Wow! You look great. I guess all that swimming paid off. Have you chosen an aspiration?


Disgust: I want to be a chef, like my dad.

Well, you've got enough stuff here to practice with.

Looks like we're doing Herbert's birthday too. Happy birthday, dear Herbert.

Herbert: Yeah!

Well you seem excited...

Disgust: You grew up nice...

Herbert: You too...


And what a great place, too...right under the tree.

Bye, Marlene...

I guess the tree doesn't really cheer everybody up when another relative dies underneath it.

Looks like we've gone back to healing through dessert.

Cason: Joy...

Joy: Ok, so I'm eating cake for what?

Cason: I was just going to tell you there's pie in there too.

Herbert: Sorry about your great aunt...

Disgust: It's ok. Thank you, though.

Well, looks like we at least get to end on a happy note. I'll see you guys next round.

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: Merry Christmas, everyone! I wanted to make sure I got this post up today given the tree in the background of half the pictures. And no, I didn't stage Marlene dying under the tree.

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