Thursday, January 19, 2017

Bernard 3: Round 11

Welcome at last to the final lot of round 11! Last round, Aruba and Trout began their lives together in their new home. They quickly added a daughter to their family, Alderaan. Unlike their siblings, they chose to keep their family small for now while they got on their feet, though Alderaan had other ideas.

Trout: So, how do I get some of those forms I keep hearing about?

Jasmine: Oh, I have plenty of copies right here.

Trout: And this is as straightforward as it seems? It just sounds too good to be true, is all.

Jasmine: Trust me, there's no catch.

Yeah, I'm still not convinced about that.

Glad to see you've met your cousins.

Alderaan: Mom thought it would be a good idea since I've been wanting a brother or sister so bad.

Han: Trust me, enjoy being an only child while you can...

Alderaan: But you were never an only child. You're the second kid. How do you know what it's like?

Han: Huh...I never thought about it like that. But just hope that they never have a third kid.

And I see those forms are working their magic here, too.

Congratulations, guys.

Trout: Thanks.

Alderaan: So now that you guys are making more money, can we please have a brother or sister?

Aruba: Alderaan, not right now. It's just not the right time. Besides, if we had another baby we wouldn't have as much time to help you out with all the things you want to do-like playing your violin.

Alderaan: What about when I'm bigger and don't need as much help?

Aruba: We'll see.

Alderaan: So, are there any of those forms for kids?

Jasmine: Yes! Absolutely! Need some help in school?

Alderaan: No, I'm doing fine in school. I want to get better at the violin.

I guess those forms work for kids too.

Hey, you are getting better. That actually sounds like music now.

Alderaan: Thanks. But Mom's still not having another baby.

It must be weird being an only child in this town, huh?

Alderaan: Can you make them have another baby? Maybe they'll listen to you.

I'll see what I can do, kid.

Man, do they clean that school? It seems like every kid is getting sick this round.

Alderaan: So Mom, did you notice how much better I am at violin now? And at drawing? I barely need any help anymore.

Aruba: I did. You're really growing up.

Alderaan: Remember what you said about when I didn't need as much help?

Aruba: (sigh) I have to talk to your father about that. We'll see.

Well, at least the financial aspect seems to be on the up and up.

Trout: So, I was thinking. Now that I'm starting to get settled into my career...maybe it is time for us to have another kid.

Alderaan's been working on you too, huh?

Trout: No...well, yes, have to admit, it is a bit too quiet around here.

Aruba: Yeah, you know, I thought it would be nicer after growing up in such a crowded house, but...I kind of miss the chaos. 

Looks like Alderaan is finally getting her wish!

Aruba: So, when do you think we should tell her?

Trout: Probably soon. I mean, she's going to notice the belly, right?

Aruba: Yeah, you're probably right. Alderaan, honey? Your father and I have some news for you!

Alderaan: I'm going to be a big sister, Barfly!


Alderaan: His name came on the tag.

I see. Well, I have to be on my way now, but don't worry-I'll be back to meet your new brother or sister next round!

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: And I just couldn't leave well enough alone. I was always probably going to have these guys have more kids-I just put it off for much longer than usual. And this means we're finally at the end of round 11! Stand by for the scorecard.

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