Friday, January 27, 2017

Hannon 1: Round 13

Last round, the youngest child of the Hannon clan, Tetra, finally entered young adulthood. Having maxed out her writing skill as a teenager, she was able to easily start publishing her work for royalties leaving her free to develop a relationship with Mikel Hatfield. Mikel soon moved into the household, and Tetra found herself pregnant with a son, Shark. Soon after his birth, she was pregnant with her second child (or, as it appears, children.) Meanwhile, Alyssa finally reached the top of the medical career, while Aiden succumbed to old age. 

Ok, looks like the newest additions arrived while I was off the lot. Somebody care to introduce them?

Tetra: The girl is named Betta, the boy is named Clam.

So, you guys now have 3 babies at the same time.

Tetra: Uh-huh. Come join the fun, won't you?

So I guess it's an all hands on deck situation around here these days?

Alyssa: Yup. Everybody's on baby duty all the time.

And even Grandpa Aiden is helping out from the beyond...though, that must be kind of frightening for Shark...

Tetra: Mikel, what are we going to do? There's 3 of them!

Mikel: It's ok, Tetra...

Tetra: But haven't you seen the news? What are we going to do when they turn into those...toddler things? Most people are having a hard time with one-we're going to have 3!

Mikel: It will be ok. There's 3 of them, and 3 of us.

Tetra: I guess so...'re taking a job?

Tetra: Of course. Isn't that what you're supposed to do when you grow up? My mom won't be around forever, and the bills on this house are insane.

Yes, but that kind of leaves an opening on Team Adult.

Tetra: I know...if it gets too hectic for Mikel I might have to quit.

Tetra: Ok, Clam...just a minute...wait, why is Shark's cradle shaking?


I must have missed his birthday message last week. At least he rolled independent, that should prove useful.

And he's a cute little guy!

So, ready for your first day alone as a stay-at-home dad?

Mikel: Sure. This is easy...

Famous last words.

Shark: Daddy play?

Mikel: Sorry, buddy...Daddy's got to go feed your sister...or change your brother....or something.

Not as easy as you thought?

Mikel: They've been alternating crying for 12 hours now. One stops, the other starts!

Well, don't worry...the baby stage is almost over. Time for toddlers times 3!

Happy birthday, dear Betta...

Oh, thank the saints...

And she got her dad's hair! It's about time we had some more blonde kids in this town.

Happy birthday, dear Clam...

Yes! All 3 with easy traits!

Um...I think a trip to the mirror is in order.

Tetra: Why? I think it's cute.

Because I can't tell him apart from his sister, that's why.

Much better...and their shirts even kind of match.

Tetra: Ok, now you two just sit here and keep each other company while Mommy makes breakfast...

Can they do that?

Huh, I guess they can. Although I don't quite know what they're saying.

Tetra: I'm not even sure they know what they're saying.

So Tetra and Alyssa are both at work?

Mikel: Yeah...don't you usually go to work with Alyssa?

Normally, yes. But there's no way I'm leaving you alone with three toddlers.

Mikel: What are you talking about? I've totally got this!

Wow, you even managed to get a promotion? I'm impressed.

Tetra: Thanks, but I think you were right about this work thing. My royalties bring in so much more, and I'm so exhausted.

Well at least you don't have to worry about building up a skill in your off time.

And I guess you're celebrating with a family dance party?

Tetra: I guess so. I walked in the door and the stereo was on, and there they were...

I guess Mikel must have run out of entertainment options.

And Aiden is still helping out from beyond the grave, I see...what are you making?

Aiden: I'm making cookies for the kids.

Alyssa: You sure are dirty...did Daddy not give you a bath yesterday?

Well, to be fair, it was kind of a 3 against 1 situation.

Alyssa: I suppose so. At least they were all fed when we got home.

Uh-oh...looks like we're about to be down one from the adult team.

Bye, Alyssa...

Tetra: Mikel....what are you laughing about? My mom just died!

Mikel: Oh, friend here just made a joke, that's all.

Tetra: Your...friend?

Mikel: Yeah, my friend Terry the table.

Tetra: The table is your friend....

Mikel: Of course. I mean, we're not as close as me and the end table in the living room, but...

Um, maybe we should rethink leaving Mikel alone with all three toddlers?

Although he does seem to have this potty training thing down.

Mikel: Ok, who wants to race to see who can finish first?

Or not...

Oh, good. That's all we needed this week. We haven't had a cooking fire around here in awhile.

Tetra: Well, neither Mikel and I learned to cook when we were younger-my dad always did it.

I guess maxing out your writing skill so young came at a cost.

Betta: Mama! Fire!

Tetra: I know, sweetie. The fire's all gone now. Do you want to go play with your dollhouse?

Betta: Uh-huh...

So Tetra's got Betta, you've got Clam...where's Shark?

Mikel: Oh, he's upstairs with his tablet.

Tablet? He has a tablet?

Mikel: Oh, they all do. But he's the only one who really uses it.

Hey, Shark...don't you want to go play with your brother or sister?

Shark: No!

He really is an independent little guy, isn't he?

Alright, well, you guys seem to have things under control for the moment, so I'm going to go on ahead to the next house. Hang in there, and I'll see you next round!

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: Round 13 begins! Wow, if I complained about having two toddlers at once in Aruba and Trout's house, that was nothing compared to this one. I initially thought this would be easier because they are so much more well off financially-I could afford to buy each toddler their own tablet, they had a stereo so they could dance, etc. But that didn't really help keep them fed/rested/bathed. I also learned that toddlers do in fact react to death-they were all sad just like their parents. And Aiden's ghost really did bake a plate of peanut butter cookies in the middle of the night-I loved that he was taking care of his grandchildren from beyond the grave.

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